Было бы полезно посоветоваться с врачом

Было бы полезно посоветоваться с врачом thumbnail

1. Было бы полезно посоветоваться с врачом.
2. Было бы интересно выяснить, кто из нас прав: ты или я.
3. Было бы приятно искупаться в такую жаркую погоду.
4. Было бы хорошо выпить чашечку кофе.
5. Было бы важно узнать его мнение по этому вопросу.
6. Вам было бы очень полезно заняться спортом.
7. Она бы хорошо училась, да часто болеет и пропускает занятия.
8. Мы бы охотно вам помогли, но мы очень заняты сегодня.
9. Я думаю, она не рассердилась бы,’ да уж очень вы шумели.
10. Я поехал бы на юг, но мой врач мне не рекомендует.
11. Я бы пошел с вами в столовую, но врач прописал мне диету.
12. Хорошо, что вы послушались совета врача, иначе вам было бы не избежать воспаления легких.
13. В прошлое воскресенье дождь лил целый день, иначе мы поехали бы за город
14. Он говорит, что у него что-то не в порядке с сердцем, а то он принял бы участие в спортивных состязаниях.
15. Если бы не головная боль, я бы присоединилась к вашей компании.
16. Он бы не поправился так быстро после болезни, если бы не хороший уход в больнице.
17. Если бы не его хорошее здоровье, он не смог бы выдержать всех трудностей этой экспедиции.
18. Если бы не ваши пилюли, доктор, меня бы положили в больницу. Они сотворили чудо.
19. Если бы ты вчера оделась потеплее, ты бы сегодня не кашляла и не чихала.
20. Если бы вы знали симптомы кори, вы бы сразу же поняли, что это была не скарлатина.
21. Он поехал бы с нами, если бы не его внезапная болезнь.
22. Странная женщина! Она не стала бы советоваться с врачом, даже если бы почувствовала себя плохо.
23. Даже если бы ему сделали операцию, это не помогло бы. Ему уже ничем нельзя было помочь.
24. Было поздно, и было бы естественно, если бы больной ребенок уснул, но он не спал и пристально смотрел на спинку кровати.
25. Как бы вы ответили на этот вопрос?
26. Что бы вы сделали на моем месте?
27. Я бы посоветовала вам обратиться к зубному врачу.
28. Я бы этого никогда не сделал без вашей помощи.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


1. it would be useful to seek the advice of a physician.
2. It would be interesting to know which of us is right: you or me.
3. It would be nice to take a dip in the hot weather.
4. It would be nice to have a cup of coffee.
5. It would be important to know his views on this issue.
6. You would be a very useful exercise.
7. It would be well studied, and often gets sick and misses classes.
8. We would gladly help you, but we are very busy today.
9. I think she’s not angry would be, ‘ Yes you really buzzed.
10. I went to the South, but my doctor I recommend.
11. I would have gone with you to the cafeteria, but the doctor prescribed me diet.
12. Good that you listen to your doctor’s advice, otherwise you would not prevent pneumonia.
13. Last Sunday, it rained the whole day, or else we would be traveling to the city of
14. He said that he had something wrong with my heart, and then he would take part in sporting competitions.
15. If not for the headache I would have joined your company.
16. He would not have recovered so quickly after an illness, if not for good care at the hospital.
17. If not for his good health, he would not have been able to withstand all the difficulties of the expedition.
18. If not for your pill, doctor, I would be put in the hospital. They created a miracle.
19. If you had today I dressed warmly, would you not coughed and not čihala.
20. If you knew the symptoms of measles, you would immediately realize that this was not a scarlet fever.
21. He would be with us, if not for his sudden illness.
22. A strange woman! It would not take advice from your doctor, even if felt bad.
23. Even if he had the surgery, it would not help. He has nothing can help.
24. It was late, and it would be natural If a sick child asleep, but he did not sleep and closely watched back in his bed.
25. How would you answer this question?
26. What would you do in my place?
27. I would encourage you to go to the dentist.
28. I would have never done without your help.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


1 It would be useful to consult a doctor.
2. It would be interesting to find out who is right: you or me.
3. It would be nice to take a dip in a hot weather.
4. It would be nice to have a coffee.
5. It would be important to hear his opinion on this issue.
6. You would be very useful to do sports.
7. It would be a good student, but often sick and miss classes.
8. We would be happy to help you, but we are very busy today.
9. I do not think she would be angry, ‘Yeah, you really made ​​a noise.
10. I went to the south, but my doctor I do not recommend.
11. I would go with you to the dining room, but the doctor has prescribed me diet.
12. Good thing you listened to doctor’s advice, otherwise you would not avoid pneumonia.
13. Last Sunday, the rain poured down all day, otherwise we would have gone out of the city
14. He says that he has something wrong with the heart, and that he would take part in sports.
15. If it were not for the headache, I would join your company.
16. He would not have recovered so quickly from illness, if not for good care at the hospital.
17. If not for his good health, he could not endure all the difficulties of the expedition.
18. If it were not for your pills, doctor, I would put in the hospital. They have created a miracle.
19. If you are dressed warmly yesterday, today, you would not coughing and sneezing.
20. If you knew the symptoms of measles, you would have immediately realized that it was not scarlet fever.
21. He went to be with us, if not for his sudden illness.
22. A strange woman! She would not have to consult with your doctor, even if it felt bad.
23. Even if he had the surgery, it would not help. He has nothing could help.
24. It was late, and it would be natural if a sick child had fallen asleep, but he did not sleep and was staring at the headboard.
25. How would you answer this question?
26. What would you do in my place?
27. I would advise that you contact your dentist.
28. I would never do it without your help.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


1. It would be useful to consult with a physician.
2. It would be interesting to find out who of us human: you or I am.
3. It would be comforting to swim in such hot weather.
4. It would be well-enjoy a cup of coffee.
5.It would be important to know his view on this issue.
6. You would be very useful to sports.
7. It would be well-she, yes often is sick and skips classes.
8. We would be happy to help you, but we are very busy today.
9.I think, it was angry not to be,’ I very you pro-nazis.
10. I went to the south, but my doctor recommends that I do not.
11. I would like to go with you to the dining area, but the doctor prescribed me diet.
12. It is good that you are rejoicing of the doctor,Otherwise you would not avoid pneumonia.
13. This past Sunday rain lil all day, otherwise we went to the city
14. He said that he had that, it is not in order with the heart,And he took to participate in sporting events.
15. If I did not headache, I would have joined in your company.
16. He would not stuffy room so quickly after illness, if not good care in the hospital.
17.If it not for his good health, he would be unable to withstand all the difficulties this expedition.
18. If you would not have your pill, doctor, I have to be put in the hospital. They were supposedly saved by miracle.
19. If you yesterday maybe Adullamite,You would be today is not human and does not чихала.
20. If you knew the symptoms measles, you would immediately realized that this was not скарлатина.
21. He would be with us, if not his sudden illness.
22. Strange woman!It does not become a would consult with a doctor, even if you would have felt poorly.
23. Even if it had done an operation, it will not help. He has been nothing but could not help.
24. It was too late, and it would be only natural,If the sick child woke him up, but he did not sleep and closely watched on the bed.
25. How would you answer the question?
26. What would you do in my place?
27. I would have advised you to contact to the dentist.
28.I would never have been made without your assistance.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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(To Units One—Three)

19. Name the oblique moods used in the following sentences and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. If I were young I should have a walking holiday. 2. If I were you I should pay no attention to what she says. 3. The vase is beautiful. You wouldn’t find another to match it if you tried. 4. If you hated sick people you wouldn’t be a doctor, dear. 5. They say Frank has changed greatly. — Oh, yes. You would hardly know him if you met him. 6. If I had known that, I shouldn’t have come. 7. We should never have found the house if a passer-by hadn’t helped us. 8. If you had left earlier you would have caught the tram. 9. If you had taken the medicine the doctor prescribed you, you would feel better now. 10. If you had read the article I recommended, you’d know how to answer such questions.
1. I’ll help you if I can. 2. Shut the door after you! 3. She did not know where she was and what had happened. 4.1 remember it so clearly as if it had happened only yesterday. 5. She promised she would be calm. 6. She wouldn’t be calm if she knew what has happened. 7. She said she didn’t know me. 8. Don’t look at me as if you didn’t know me. 9. The article was not difficult and I could translate it. 10. If I had a dictionary I could translate the article. 11. If I had not told him, he would never have known. 12. She was sure I had not told him the bad news.
1. If it were not so late … . 2. If it were Sunday today … . 3. If you invited him … . 4. If I were you … . 5. If she lived in Moscow … . 6. If you had waited -a little … . 7. If I could play the piano…. 8. If you had done as I told you …. 9. If she were my sister…. 10. If the weather were fine … .
1. We should go to the country if …. 2.1 should help her if…. 3. He would have done it for you, no doubt, if…. 4. They would play tennis now if …. 5.1 should have come yesterday if…. 6. What would you do if… ? 7. It would be very nice if…. 8. I’d have a walking holiday if…. 9. They’d be only very glad if…. 10. Everything would have been all right if….
1. If they (not to help) us we (not to find) the way. 2. If I (to have) enough money I (to buy) this cassette-recorder. 3. You (to be) able to speak English better if you (to study) harder. 4. If she (to be) older she (to understand) you better. 5. If he (to be) in town yesterday he (to call) on us. 6. We (to enjoy) the play better if it (not to be) so long. 7. My uncle (to be) able to help us if he (to be) here. 8.1 (to do) the same if I (to be) there. 9. If I (to know) of your arrival I (to meet) you. 10. If you (to know) what it is all about, you (not to keep on) smiling. 11. If you (to go) to the theatre last night, I’m sure, you (to enjoy) the play. 12. He (to act) differently if he (to realize) the situation. 13. If she (to come) earlier she (to be) able to see them before they went out. 14. Nobody told me about your trouble. I (to help) you if I (to hear) about it. 15.1 (to come) sooner if I (to know) you were here. 16. We (not to know) anything about their plans for the summer holidays if Mario (not to send) us a letter. 17. If you (to come) between two and three yesterday you (to find) him in. 18. If I (to be) you I (to have) a long wall’ «s the park. 19. If 1 (can) help you I readily (to do) so, but you know I can’t. 20.1 must be off now. If it (not to be) so late I (to stay) a little longer.
E x a m p l e s: She won’t help us as she is not here. — She would help us if she were here.

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We did not meet so often because she lived far from my place. — We should have met more often if she had not lived so far from my place.

1. They will do it if they can. 2. It isn’t summer now, and we don’t go to the country. «3. He doesn’t write to me, and I don’t write to him. 4. She didn’t find the book because she didn’t open the bag, 5. It will be better if they don’t come. 6.1 didn’t give it to you because you were out. 7.1 can’t knit another sweater as I have no more wool. 8.1 don’t study Italian as I haven’t much spare time. 9. She didn’t follow the doctor’s advice and fell seriously ill. 10. The boy is shivering. He isn’t quite well. 11. He refuses my help, and the work won’t be finished today. 12.1 have a headache because I had a sleepless night. 13. Anne can’t translate this song: she doesn’t know French well enough. 14. You are not quite all right now because you didn’t take the medicine regularly. 15. They took a taxi and didn’t miss the train. 16. He doesn’t know her address, or he will write to her, I’m sure. 17. The garden doesn’t look beautiful because the trees are bare. 18. He makes so many mistakes because he doesn’t know grammar well enough. 19. Will you do it for me if I ask you?
1. Что бы вы сказали, если бы я пригласил его провести с нами субботу и восхресенье? 2. Какое лекарство вы бы рекомендовали, если у мальчика заболит горло? 3. Если бы я умела хорошо играть на рояле, я бы сыграла для вас. 4. Мальчик не дрожал бы, если бы ему не было холодно. Дайте ему чашку горячего чая. 5. Мы бы с удовольствием посидели еще часок, если бы не было так поздно. 6. Если бы я знала, что ты позвала меня, чтобы упрекать, я бы не пришла. 7. Если бы вы регулярно принимали лекарства, которые прописал врач, вы бы чувствовали себя теперь гораздо лучше. 8. Если бы мы начали работать рано утром, мы бы уже все закончили. 9. На вашем месте я бы с ними не спорила. То, что они говорят, правда. 10. Знай мы это тогда, мы бы приняли меры. И. Если бы все было в порядке, он не выглядел бы таким озабоченным. 12. Я бы давно это сделала, если бы знала, что это так важно. 13. Если бы ты последовал моему совету, все было бы теперь в порядке. 14. Если бы вы не отказались от его предложения, мы бы уехали все вместе, а не сидели бы здесь одни. 15. Я уверен, что вы могли бы сделать это без моей помощи, если бы постарались. Это было вовсе не трудно. 16. Я бы, пожалуй, осталась, если бы мне разрешили. 17. Вы бы сэкономили время, если бы поехали поездом, а не пароходом. 18. Если бы вы знали его так же хорошо, как я, вы бы ему тоже доверяли. 19. Я бы давно ответила на твой вопрос, если бы могла. 20. Если бы вы мне позвонили, я бы зашел вчера. 21. На вашем месте я бы не пошел туда без приглашения.
a) 1. You were very kind to that foreigner, Dick. I wish that we could see him. 2. Dora wished she had got her book out of the suitcase before the train started. 3.1 wish I had thought of it before. It’s a good idea. 4. He nodded his head to her and turned hastily in the direction of his own room. He wished she had not seen him. He wished she had not been there. 5. He wished heartily that Mildred had not consulted him. 6. It was a beautiful idea. I wished I had thought of it myself. 7.1 wish I could feel sure about it 8. Don’t you wish you had come earlier?

b) 1. It seemed as though he wished to speak, but feared to give offence. 2.1 remember now that his colour had gone in a moment and he seemed to breathe as if he had been running. 3. Her eyes had shadows as though she had not slept. 4. Suddenly he smiled and spoke in a changed voice, as if he were confiding a secret. 5. She looked content, as though she had been waiting for this moment all day. 6. Hugh was surprised and annoyed and chilled as if the temperature of the room were sinking steadily. 7. And you behave as if we were two people who were acquainted. 8. You’re almost grown-up now, and I’m going to talk to you as if you were grown-up. And you must help me. 9. They stared at each other in the silence of the house, and it was as if they were listening for distant footsteps. 10. There was a curious carefulness about his manner, as though he were concealing some pain.

c) 1. Even if you only thought that I could be of any help to you, I’d be very glad, I’d be very happy to be allowed to stay around. 2. Why say it even if it were true? 3.1 should get there even if I had to walk all the way. 4. Even though you asked him twice he would do it again; he’s a stubborn boy. 5. You couldn’t have got in touch with him even if you had tried; he wasn’t in town. 6. Had we known in time we could have prevented the catastrophe. 7. «You see,» said Randall, «I wouldn’t go if you didn’t want me to.» 8.1 think it would be natural if you joined them. 9. «Would everything have been different if mother hadn’t died?» she thought 10. No doubt somebody would have noticed if she hadn’t been there.

d) 1. If only father were alive! 2. If only it were true! 3. If only I could believe that! 4. If only he had told you the whole story! 5. If only she were with us! 6. If only I hadn’t mentioned his name! How foolish of me!
1. I don’t know how to address him. I wish I (to know) his name. 2. I feel as if my head (to be) on fire. 3. If only I (to know) earlier, I (to send) you a telegram. 4. My wife says she wishes I (to be) a thousand miles away. 5. He felt as if he (to float) in the air. 6. He stared at me as if I (to ask) him something very odd. 7. At that moment she wished she (not to send) for him. 8. If I (to tell) you you might have thought it was my choice. 9. Even if it (to be) twice as dangerous I (to carry out) my plan. 10.1 wish I never (to see) you. 11. Don’t look at me as if you never (to see) me before. 12.1 think it (to be) natural if you (to join) them. 13. Remember her! As if I (can) forget her! 14. Then he suddenly said, «You (to take) me to Grayhallock if I (to ask)?» 15. Don’t you think it (to be) rather nice if we (to ask) her to stay on for a week as our guest? 16. «How I wish I (to be) there with you,» I said with deep regret. 17. «Don’t be sorry,» she said. «I (to be) relieved if you (to go), if it (to be) settled somehow.» 18. Well, at any rate, the weather isn’t going to present difficulties. It looks as though it (to set in) fine. 19.1 (to be) sure of it if I (to be) you.
1. I shouldn’t worry now in your place. Everything will clear up very soon, I’m sure. 2. It wouldn’t have astonished me if he had found some reasonable excuse and stayed away. 3. But even if you were right I should prefer to act in my own way. 4. But for my help he would have failed at the final exam. 5. It seems to me that what she refused then she would be glad to get now. 6. Sir Horace asked me one or two questions and it wouldn’t have been decent manners not to reply. 7. A few years before he would not have said so of Jago. 8. Come along, Jassie! It would do you more harm to stay by yourself. 9. I’m thinking of good results we’ve achieved together. We shouldn’t have managed them alone. It’s a pity to find us divided now. 10. If you break your promise, people will say that Crawford would never have done so in similar circumstances 11. But for the bees we should have no honey. 12. She even didn’t want to look in my direction; or else I’d have come up and apologized. 13. He was in a great hurry and had no time to think it over. Otherwise he would have found a better way out. 14. But Mrs. Jago’s imitation of Lady Muriel was not exact. Lady Muriel would never have called men by their college titles. 15.1 myself shouldn’t agree to that. 16. They would all be only glad to see you. 17.1 should have sent her away, only I thought you wanted her to talk into your machines. 18. You never did anything good to anyone. If you had done you would have more support now.
1. Было бы полезно посоветоваться с врачом. 2. Было бы интересно выяснить, кто из нас прав: ты или я. 3. Было бы приятно искупаться в такую жаркую погоду. 4. Было бы хорошо выпить чашечку кофе. 5. Было бы важно узнать его мнение по этому вопросу. 6. Вам было бы очень полезно заняться спортом. 7. Она бы хорошо училась, да часто болеет и пропускает занятия. 8. Мы бы охотно вам помогли, но мы очень заняты сегодня. 9. Я думаю, она не рассердилась бы,’ да уж очень вы шумели. 10. Я поехал бы на юг, но мой врач мне не рекомендует. 11. Я бы пошел с вами в столовую, но врач прописал мне диету. 12. Хорошо, что вы послушались совета врача, иначе вам было бы не избежать воспаления легких. 13. В прошлое воскресенье дождь лил целый день, иначе мы поехали бы за город 14. Он говорит, что у него что-то не в порядке с сердцем, а то он принял бы участие в спортивных состязаниях. 15. Если бы не головная боль, я бы присоединилась к вашей компании. 16. Он бы не поправился так быстро после болезни, если бы не хороший уход в больнице. 17. Если бы не его хорошее здоровье, он не смог бы выдержать всех трудностей этой экспедиции. 18. Если бы не ваши пилюли, доктор, меня бы положили в больницу. Они сотворили чудо. 19. Если бы ты вчера оделась потеплее, ты бы сегодня не кашляла и не чихала. 20. Если бы вы знали симптомы кори, вы бы сразу же поняли, что это была не скарлатина. 21. Он поехал бы с нами, если бы не его внезапная болезнь. 22. Странная женщина! Она не стала бы советоваться с врачом, даже если бы почувствовала себя плохо. 23. Даже если бы ему сделали операцию, это не помогло бы. Ему уже ничем нельзя было помочь. 24. Было поздно, и было бы естественно, если бы больной ребенок уснул, но он не спал и пристально смотрел на спинку кровати. 25. Как бы вы ответили на этот вопрос? 26. Что бы вы сделали на моем месте? 27. Я бы посоветовала вам обратиться к зубному врачу. 28. Я бы этого никогда не сделал без вашей помощи.
1. I knew he (to be) silly, but I (not to believe) that he (to be) as silly as that. 2.1 wish he (to be) a bit stronger against Crawford. 3. After a moment’s silence he (to break out): «It (to be) a nuisance if I (to beg) a cup of tea in your rooms?» 4. You must thank him, not we. Without him we (not to achieve) any success. 5. I wish she (not to look) so pale. 6. «If I (to be) Crawford, I (to thank) Winslow much,» said Chrystal. 7.1 (to give) a good deal for that assurance! 8. Are you glad to see me? — You’re funny, Dick! As if you (not to know). 9. If I (to think) as you do I (to feel) miserable. 10. Mr. Dermant’s glance rested on Shelton and quickly fell down to the ground as though he (to see) something that alarmed him. 11.1 wish you (to show) more sign of not liking it in practice. 12.1 can’t for the life of me understand why you didn’t wait before they decided. I (to expect) you to discuss it with me. 13. When Hilary opened the door the stranger made a quick movement forward, almost as if he (to be) going to stick his foot hurriedly to the opening. 14. Her voice sounded as though something (to offend) her. 15.1 wish I (can) play tennis as well as you do. 16. He looked up sharply as if he (to make) a dangerous remark 17.1 may travel out with Uncle, but it (to be) such fun if you (to come). 18. He saw it as clearly as though it (to be) before his eyes. 19. But for your friendship I (to feel) lonely here.
I. Как жаль, что он уехал. 2. Она желала, чтобы была ночь вместо утра, чтобы никто не видел, как она несчастна. 3. Как жаль, что она не сестра мне, я бы ее очень любила. 4. Как жаль, что сегодня не воскресенье, я бы сводила детей в зоопарк. 5. Мы пожалели, что оставили его там одного. 6. Обидно, что вы мне не верите. Я никогда не обманывал вас. ?. Он пожалел, что ушел рано. 8. Рэндал рассердился так, как будто были истрачены его собственные деньги. 9. Не смотри на меня так, как будто никогда не видел меня раньше. 10. У нее такой вид, как будто она не знает, что сказать. 11. Даже если бы мы получили телеграмму вчера, все равно было бы слишком поздно. 12. Даже если бы я была очень занята, я бы все равно нашла время навестить ее в больнице. 13. Если бы только он не был таким ленивым! 14. О, если бы я могла быть уверенной, что это так! 15. Если бы не велосипед, он бы нас не догнал. 16. Если бы не ваша беспечность, несчастного случая не произошло бы. 17. Если бы не его сообразительность, мы не сделали бы перевод так быстро и не были бы сейчас свободны. 18. Если бы я знал, что ты првдешь, я бы остался дома. 19. Я бы пошел с вами, но у меня болен братишка, и мне надо идти в аптеку. 20. Это было бы важно тогда, но не теперь. 21. Вам было бы полезно спать с открытым окном круглый год
1. «So be it,» returned Steerford. 2. Success attend you! 3. Now it was Wednesday, and he was determined to go, come what might, in the late afternoon. 4. My sentence is that the prisoner be hanged. 5. Whoever he be, he must be punished. 6. See that all be present, when he comes. 7. He insisted that the boy remain in bed. 8. The workers demanded that their wages be increased.

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Было бы полезно посоветоваться с врачомБыло бы полезно посоветоваться с врачомБыло бы полезно посоветоваться с врачомБыло бы полезно посоветоваться с врачомБыло бы полезно посоветоваться с врачом
Было бы полезно посоветоваться с врачом27 чел. помогло.

(To Units One—Three)

19. Name the oblique moods used in the following sentences and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. If I were young I should have a walking holiday. 2. If I were you I should pay no attention to what she says. 3. The vase is beautiful. You wouldn’t find another to match it if you tried. 4. If you hated sick people you wouldn’t be a doctor, dear. 5. They say Frank has changed greatly. — Oh, yes. You would hardly know him if you met him. 6. If I had known that, I shouldn’t have come. 7. We should never have found the house if a passer-by hadn’t helped us. 8. If you had left earlier you would have caught the tram. 9. If you had taken the medicine the doctor prescribed you, you would feel better now. 10. If you had read the article I recommended, you’d know how to answer such questions.
1. I’ll help you if I can. 2. Shut the door after you! 3. She did not know where she was and what had happened. 4.1 remember it so clearly as if it had happened only yesterday. 5. She promised she would be calm. 6. She wouldn’t be calm if she knew what has happened. 7. She said she didn’t know me. 8. Don’t look at me as if you didn’t know me. 9. The article was not difficult and I could translate it. 10. If I had a dictionary I could translate the article. 11. If I had not told him, he would never have known. 12. She was sure I had not told him the bad news.
1. If it were not so late … . 2. If it were Sunday today … . 3. If you invited him … . 4. If I were you … . 5. If she lived in Moscow … . 6. If you had waited -a little … . 7. If I could play the piano…. 8. If you had done as I told you …. 9. If she were my sister…. 10. If the weather were fine … .
1. We should go to the country if …. 2.1 should help her if…. 3. He would have done it for you, no doubt, if…. 4. They would play tennis now if …. 5.1 should have come yesterday if…. 6. What would you do if… ? 7. It would be very nice if…. 8. I’d have a walking holiday if…. 9. They’d be only very glad if…. 10. Everything would have been all right if….
1. If they (not to help) us we (not to find) the way. 2. If I (to have) enough money I (to buy) this cassette-recorder. 3. You (to be) able to speak English better if you (to study) harder. 4. If she (to be) older she (to understand) you better. 5. If he (to be) in town yesterday he (to call) on us. 6. We (to enjoy) the play better if it (not to be) so long. 7. My uncle (to be) able to help us if he (to be) here. 8.1 (to do) the same if I (to be) there. 9. If I (to know) of your arrival I (to meet) you. 10. If you (to know) what it is all about, you (not to keep on) smiling. 11. If you (to go) to the theatre last night, I’m sure, you (to enjoy) the play. 12. He (to act) differently if he (to realize) the situation. 13. If she (to come) earlier she (to be) able to see them before they went out. 14. Nobody told me about your trouble. I (to help) you if I (to hear) about it. 15.1 (to come) sooner if I (to know) you were here. 16. We (not to know) anything about their plans for the summer holidays if Mario (not to send) us a letter. 17. If you (to come) between two and three yesterday you (to find) him in. 18. If I (to be) you I (to have) a long wall’ «s the park. 19. If 1 (can) help you I readily (to do) so, but you know I can’t. 20.1 must be off now. If it (not to be) so late I (to stay) a little longer.
E x a m p l e s: She won’t help us as she is not here. — She would help us if she were here.

We did not meet so often because she lived far from my place. — We should have met more often if she had not lived so far from my place.

1. They will do it if they can. 2. It isn’t summer now, and we don’t go to the country. «3. He doesn’t write to me, and I don’t write to him. 4. She didn’t find the book because she didn’t open the bag, 5. It will be better if they don’t come. 6.1 didn’t give it to you because you were out. 7.1 can’t knit another sweater as I have no more wool. 8.1 don’t study Italian as I haven’t much spare time. 9. She didn’t follow the doctor’s advice and fell seriously ill. 10. The boy is shivering. He isn’t quite well. 11. He refuses my help, and the work won’t be finished today. 12.1 have a headache because I had a sleepless night. 13. Anne can’t translate this song: she doesn’t know French well enough. 14. You are not quite all right now because you didn’t take the medicine regularly. 15. They took a taxi and didn’t miss the train. 16. He doesn’t know her address, or he will write to her, I’m sure. 17. The garden doesn’t look beautiful because the trees are bare. 18. He makes so many mistakes because he doesn’t know grammar well enough. 19. Will you do it for me if I ask you?
1. Что бы вы сказали, если бы я пригласил его провести с нами субботу и восхресенье? 2. Какое лекарство вы бы рекомендовали, если у мальчика заболит горло? 3. Если бы я умела хорошо играть на рояле, я бы сыграла для вас. 4. Мальчик не дрожал бы, если бы ему не было холодно. Дайте ему чашку горячего чая. 5. Мы бы с удовольствием посидели еще часок, если бы не было так поздно. 6. Если бы я знала, что ты позвала меня, чтобы упрекать, я бы не пришла. 7. Если бы вы регулярно принимали лекарства, которые прописал врач, вы бы чувствовали себя теперь гораздо лучше. 8. Если бы мы начали работать рано утром, мы бы уже все закончили. 9. На вашем месте я бы с ними не спорила. То, что они говорят, правда. 10. Знай мы это тогда, мы бы приняли меры. И. Если бы все было в порядке, он не выглядел бы таким озабоченным. 12. Я бы давно это сделала, если бы знала, что это так важно. 13. Если бы ты последовал моему совету, все было бы теперь в порядке. 14. Если бы вы не отказались от его предложения, мы бы уехали все вместе, а не сидели бы здесь одни. 15. Я уверен, что вы могли бы сделать это без моей помощи, если бы постарались. Это было вовсе не трудно. 16. Я бы, пожалуй, осталась, если бы мне разрешили. 17. Вы бы сэкономили время, если бы поехали поездом, а не пароходом. 18. Если бы вы знали его так же хорошо, как я, вы бы ему тоже доверяли. 19. Я бы давно ответила на твой вопрос, если бы могла. 20. Если бы вы мне позвонили, я бы зашел вчера. 21. На вашем месте я бы не пошел туда без приглашения.
a) 1. You were very kind to that foreigner, Dick. I wish that we could see him. 2. Dora wished she had got her book out of the suitcase before the train started. 3.1 wish I had thought of it before. It’s a good idea. 4. He nodded his head to her and turned hastily in the direction of his own room. He wished she had not seen him. He wished she had not been there. 5. He wished heartily that Mildred had not consulted him. 6. It was a beautiful idea. I wished I had thought of it myself. 7.1 wish I could feel sure about it 8. Don’t you wish you had come earlier?

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b) 1. It seemed as though he wished to speak, but feared to give offence. 2.1 remember now that his colour had gone in a moment and he seemed to breathe as if he had been running. 3. Her eyes had shadows as though she had not slept. 4. Suddenly he smiled and spoke in a changed voice, as if he were confiding a secret. 5. She looked content, as though she had been waiting for this moment all day. 6. Hugh was surprised and annoyed and chilled as if the temperature of the room were sinking steadily. 7. And you behave as if we were two people who were acquainted. 8. You’re almost grown-up now, and I’m going to talk to you as if you were grown-up. And you must help me. 9. They stared at each other in the silence of the house, and it was as if they were listening for distant footsteps. 10. There was a curious carefulness about his manner, as though he were concealing some pain.

c) 1. Even if you only thought that I could be of any help to you, I’d be very glad, I’d be very happy to be allowed to stay around. 2. Why say it even if it were true? 3.1 should get there even if I had to walk all the way. 4. Even though you asked him twice he would do it again; he’s a stubborn boy. 5. You couldn’t have got in touch with him even if you had tried; he wasn’t in town. 6. Had we known in time we could have prevented the catastrophe. 7. «You see,» said Randall, «I wouldn’t go if you didn’t want me to.» 8.1 think it would be natural if you joined them. 9. «Would everything have been different if mother hadn’t died?» she thought 10. No doubt somebody would have noticed if she hadn’t been there.

d) 1. If only father were alive! 2. If only it were true! 3. If only I could believe that! 4. If only he had told you the whole story! 5. If only she were with us! 6. If only I hadn’t mentioned his name! How foolish of me!
1. I don’t know how to address him. I wish I (to know) his name. 2. I feel as if my head (to be) on fire. 3. If only I (to know) earlier, I (to send) you a telegram. 4. My wife says she wishes I (to be) a thousand miles away. 5. He felt as if he (to float) in the air. 6. He stared at me as if I (to ask) him something very odd. 7. At that moment she wished she (not to send) for him. 8. If I (to tell) you you might have thought it was my choice. 9. Even if it (to be) twice as dangerous I (to carry out) my plan. 10.1 wish I never (to see) you. 11. Don’t look at me as if you never (to see) me before. 12.1 think it (to be) natural if you (to join) them. 13. Remember her! As if I (can) forget her! 14. Then he suddenly said, «You (to take) me to Grayhallock if I (to ask)?» 15. Don’t you think it (to be) rather nice if we (to ask) her to stay on for a week as our guest? 16. «How I wish I (to be) there with you,» I said with deep regret. 17. «Don’t be sorry,» she said. «I (to be) relieved if you (to go), if it (to be) settled somehow.» 18. Well, at any rate, the weather isn’t going to present difficulties. It looks as though it (to set in) fine. 19.1 (to be) sure of it if I (to be) you.
1. I shouldn’t worry now in your place. Everything will clear up very soon, I’m sure. 2. It wouldn’t have astonished me if he had found some reasonable excuse and stayed away. 3. But even if you were right I should prefer to act in my own way. 4. But for my help he would have failed at the final exam. 5. It seems to me that what she refused then she would be glad to get now. 6. Sir Horace asked me one or two questions and it wouldn’t have been decent manners not to reply. 7. A few years before he would not have said so of Jago. 8. Come along, Jassie! It would do you more harm to stay by yourself. 9. I’m thinking of good results we’ve achieved together. We shouldn’t have managed them alone. It’s a pity to find us divided now. 10. If you break your promise, people will say that Crawford would never have done so in similar circumstances 11. But for the bees we should have no honey. 12. She even didn’t want to look in my direction; or else I’d have come up and apologized. 13. He was in a great hurry and had no time to think it over. Otherwise he would have found a better way out. 14. But Mrs. Jago’s imitation of Lady Muriel was not exact. Lady Muriel would never have called men by their college titles. 15.1 myself shouldn’t agree to that. 16. They would all be only glad to see you. 17.1 should have sent her away, only I thought you wanted her to talk into your machines. 18. You never did anything good to anyone. If you had done you would have more support now.
1. Было бы полезно посоветоваться с врачом. 2. Было бы интересно выяснить, кто из нас прав: ты или я. 3. Было бы приятно искупаться в такую жаркую погоду. 4. Было бы хорошо выпить чашечку кофе. 5. Было бы важно узнать его мнение по этому вопросу. 6. Вам было бы очень полезно заняться спортом. 7. Она бы хорошо училась, да часто болеет и пропускает занятия. 8. Мы бы охотно вам помогли, но мы очень заняты сегодня. 9. Я думаю, она не рассердилась бы,’ да уж очень вы шумели. 10. Я поехал бы на юг, но мой врач мне не рекомендует. 11. Я бы пошел с вами в столовую, но врач прописал мне диету. 12. Хорошо, что вы послушались совета врача, иначе вам было бы не избежать воспаления легких. 13. В прошлое воскресенье дождь лил целый день, иначе мы поехали бы за город 14. Он говорит, что у него что-то не в порядке с сердцем, а то он принял бы участие в спортивных состязаниях. 15. Если бы не головная боль, я бы присоединилась к вашей компании. 16. Он бы не поправился так быстро после болезни, если бы не хороший уход в больнице. 17. Если бы не его хорошее здоровье, он не смог бы выдержать всех трудностей этой экспедиции. 18. Если бы не ваши пилюли, доктор, меня бы положили в больницу. Они сотворили чудо. 19. Если бы ты вчера оделась потеплее, ты бы сегодня не кашляла и не чихала. 20. Если бы вы знали симптомы кори, вы бы сразу же поняли, что это была не скарлатина. 21. Он поехал бы с нами, если бы не его внезапная болезнь. 22. Странная женщина! Она не стала бы советоваться с врачом, даже если бы почувствовала себя плохо. 23. Даже если бы ему сделали операцию, это не помогло бы. Ему уже ничем нельзя было помочь. 24. Было поздно, и было бы естественно, если бы больной ребенок уснул, но он не спал и пристально смотрел на спинку кровати. 25. Как бы вы ответили на этот вопрос? 26. Что бы вы сделали на моем месте? 27. Я бы посоветовала вам обратиться к зубному врачу. 28. Я бы этого никогда не сделал без вашей помощи.
1. I knew he (to be) silly, but I (not to believe) that he (to be) as silly as that. 2.1 wish he (to be) a bit stronger against Crawford. 3. After a moment’s silence he (to break out): «It (to be) a nuisance if I (to beg) a cup of tea in your rooms?» 4. You must thank him, not we. Without him we (not to achieve) any success. 5. I wish she (not to look) so pale. 6. «If I (to be) Crawford, I (to thank) Winslow much,» said Chrystal. 7.1 (to give) a good deal for that assurance! 8. Are you glad to see me? — You’re funny, Dick! As if you (not to know). 9. If I (to think) as you do I (to feel) miserable. 10. Mr. Dermant’s glance rested on Shelton and quickly fell down to the ground as though he (to see) something that alarmed him. 11.1 wish you (to show) more sign of not liking it in practice. 12.1 can’t for the life of me understand why you didn’t wait before they decided. I (to expect) you to discuss it with me. 13. When Hilary opened the door the stranger made a quick movement forward, almost as if he (to be) going to stick his foot hurriedly to the opening. 14. Her voice sounded as though something (to offend) her. 15.1 wish I (can) play tennis as well as you do. 16. He looked up sharply as if he (to make) a dangerous remark 17.1 may travel out with Uncle, but it (to be) such fun if you (to come). 18. He saw it as clearly as though it (to be) before his eyes. 19. But for your friendship I (to feel) lonely here.
I. Как жаль, что он уехал. 2. Она желала, чтобы была ночь вместо утра, чтобы никто не видел, как она несчастна. 3. Как жаль, что она не сестра мне, я бы ее очень любила. 4. Как жаль, что сегодня не воскресенье, я бы сводила детей в зоопарк. 5. Мы пожалели, что оставили его там одного. 6. Обидно, что вы мне не верите. Я никогда не обманывал вас. ?. Он пожалел, что ушел рано. 8. Рэндал рассердился так, как будто были истрачены его собственные деньги. 9. Не смотри на меня так, как будто никогда не видел меня раньше. 10. У нее такой вид, как будто она не знает, что сказать. 11. Даже если бы мы получили телеграмму вчера, все равно было бы слишком поздно. 12. Даже если бы я была очень занята, я бы все равно нашла время навестить ее в больнице. 13. Если бы только он не был таким ленивым! 14. О, если бы я могла быть уверенной, что это так! 15. Если бы не велосипед, он бы нас не догнал. 16. Если бы не ваша беспечность, несчастного случая не произошло бы. 17. Если бы не его сообразительность, мы не сделали бы перевод так быстро и не были бы сейчас свободны. 18. Если бы я знал, что ты првдешь, я бы остался дома. 19. Я бы пошел с вами, но у меня болен братишка, и мне надо идти в аптеку. 20. Это было бы важно тогда, но не теперь. 21. Вам было бы полезно спать с открытым окном круглый год
1. «So be it,» returned Steerford. 2. Success attend you! 3. Now it was Wednesday, and he was determined to go, come what might, in the late afternoon. 4. My sentence is that the prisoner be hanged. 5. Whoever he be, he must be punished. 6. See that all be present, when he comes. 7. He insisted that the boy remain in bed. 8. The workers demanded that their wages be increased.

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