Полезные фразы на английском для огэ

В этой статье вы найдете темы по английскому языку для подготовки к ОГЭ (9 класс). Как известно, устный экзамен по английскому языку в 9 классе до 2016 года состоял из двух частей: монолога и диалога. В 2016 году в устной части экзамена ОГЭ произошли изменения, который затронули сам формат экзамена, который теперь, так же как и ЕГЭ сдается в компьютеризированной форме. Ознакомиться подробнее вы сможете, прочитав статью «ОГЭ по английскому языку в 9 классе (изменения)»
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Вот прошли новогодние праздники и всем, кто учится в 9 и 11 классах, уже пора задуматься о предстоящих экзаменах. Самое время начать готовиться к ним уже в феврале. Давайте разберемся, как готовиться к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Первое, что нужно сделать — это повторить изученную лексику, то есть пройденные темы по английскому языку.
Итак, основная задача на ближайшие полгода весь словарный запас, который пассивно лежит в голове, превратить из пассивного в активный.
Пассивный словарный запас – слова, которые вы понимаете, читая тексты и слушая аудиозаписи.
Активный словарный запас – слова, которые вы умеете употреблять в устной и письменной речи.
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Этот текст о спорте несомненно окажется полезным для подготовки к экзаменам по английскому языку, в том числе ОГЭ и ЕГЭ, так как в нем вы найдете список выражений на английском по теме «Sports», которые дадут вам «хорошие» баллы по лексике и грамматике. Дополнительно аргументы «за и против» пригодятся для написания эссе, а также для составления небольшого монолога по теме «Мое мнение о спорте». Ответив на вопросы по теме, вы сможете закрепить английские слова и выражения по теме «Sports. Спорт» и подготовиться к устной части.
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Тема «School» (topic «School») входит в список обязательных тем для подготовки к экзамену по английскому языку в формате ОГЭ, ЕГЭ. Слова ниже помогут вам составить свое собственное монологическое высказывание на английском языке по данной теме. Пример возможного сообщения по теме «School» вы найдете ниже, но не спешите заглядывать в него. Заучивать топик нельзя!
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Тема «Спорт» в рамках подготовки к экзаменам по английскому языку ОГЭ и ЕГЭ довольно объемная. Рассказывая на эту тему, вы можете выбрать следующие пункты для обсуждения:
- Традиционные виды спорта в Великобритании и в России.
- Спорт и здоровье (аргументы).
- Участвовать или смотреть (аргументы).
- Спорт в твоей жизни.
Информацию по каждому пункту плана вы найдете в конце статьи. Сначала давайте изучим список выражений на английском языке по теме «Sports», которые содержат «хорошую» лексику и «продвинутые» грамматические конструкции. Постарайтесь использовать их в своем устном высказывании, эссе или личном письме, чтобы получить максимальный балл на экзамене по английскому языку.
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Тема «Путешествия» (topic «Travelling») — одна из тем, которая часто встречается на экзаменах по английскому языку. Воспользуйтесь словами и выражениями из списка и составьте свое небольшое тематическое высказывание. Не забудьте показать свои лингвострановедческие знания и расскажите о тех странах, в которых вы побывали.
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Список продвинутых слов по теме «Изучение иностранных языков» для составления небольшого монолога для ответа на устном экзамене, например ОГЭ. Также используйте вопросы для активизации лексики.
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Тема «Russia» входит в список тем по английскому языку для подготовки к экзамену. К тому же знание этой темы особенно важно еще и потому, что дает вам дополнительные баллы за владение социокультурной информацией. Список слов ниже является ключевым для составления своего небольшого монолога. Чтобы восполнить свои знания по соответствующим темам, прочитайте рекомендованные тексты по теме «Россия».
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Одна из наиболее сложных и часто встречающихся тем на экзаменах ОГЭ и ЕГЭ — это тема «Проблемы экологии». Действительно, данная тема является одной из самых актуальных в настоящее время. Список слов ниже поможет вам быстро подготовиться к экзамену. Используйте их, чтобы составить свой небольшой монолог. Также неплохо было бы ознакомиться с темами «Географическое положение и природа России» (The Geographical position of Russia, its nature and climate) и «Географическое положение и природа Великобритании» (The Geographical Position of Great Britain, its nature and climate)
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Список слов для подготовки к ОГЭ (ЕГЭ) по теме «Family Relations / Отношения в семье» или «Межличностные отношения в семье» (так эта тема прописана в кодификаторе). Здесь нужно рассказать о наиболее распространенных проблемах между родителями и подростками, а также есть ли такие проблемы в вашей семье. Однако обратите внимание, что вам нужно придерживаться пунктов плана задания, то есть каждый пункт нужно раскрыть 3-4 предложениями. Всего на монолог отводится не более 2 минут. Здесь вы найдете критерии оценивания монологического высказывания в 2019 году. Данная тема является частью темы «Problems of Young People».
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«Mass Media» — очень распространенная тема, которая часто встречается на экзамене. Она может встречаться в как в общем виде, так и в своих вариантах. Один из вариантов приведен ниже.
Task 3. You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
- why using the Internet is so popular;
- how the Internet can help students in their studies;
- whether the Internet can be dangerous, and why.
You have to talk continuously.
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Since the beginning of the 20th century cinematography has been developing very fast. There appeared a lot of film genres and the quality of the picture has changed greatly. Until recently it has been the most common entertainment. Nowadays the television is competing for the audience with the most powerful mass media — the Internet.
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Тема «Hobby and Free time» — интересная тема! Ведь здесь нужно уметь рассказывать о том, что вам нравится делать. При этом эта тема может включать в себя все, что угодно. Рассказывайте о путешествиях, музыке или рисовании — все подойдет! Английские пословицы на тему дадут вам дополнительные баллы. Вы изучили уже две. Вот и третья.
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Our life is going the usual way. To do the same things every day is sometimes boring, although we get used to the routine with time. Definitely, all of us have the right to rest and relax. These are three English proverbs that you may find useful. Try to remember them.
1. Try to wake up happy.
2. Keep calm and carry on.
3. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
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Вот список продвинутых выражений, которые помогут вам получить хорошие баллы при подготовке монолога на тему «Домашние обязанности» (Daily Family Duties / Household Chores). Список подойдет как для учащихся 9, так и 11 классов. К выражениям предлагаются варианты предложений для устной и письменной речи. Прежде чем начать изучать этот список слов, ознакомьтесь с статьей «Как готовиться к монологу по английскому языку».
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Цель данной статьи — устроить последнюю самопроверку знаний перед ОГЭ по английскому языку. Повторите данный материал перед сном и спокойно идите на тестирование. Ниже вы найдёте список самых сложных моментов и уловок в пробниках ОГЭ по английскому.
Выучить слова:
Avoid – избегать
Recent – недавний
Arrange – планировать, организовывать
Movement – движение
Performance – выступление
Prepare – готовиться
Attitude – отношение
Safe – безопасный
Advantages – преимущества
Disadvantages – недостатки
Если видим глагол, то в ответ пишем его видовременную форму.
Например (BUILD) может быть:
BUILDS – строит.
BUILT – построили/построил.
IS BUILDING – строит сейчас.
ARE BUILDING – строят сейчас.
AM BUILDING – строю сейчас.
HAS BUILT – построил.
HAVE BUILT – построили.
WILL BUILD – построит/построю/построим
WAS BUILDING – строил в прошлом.
WAS BUILT – был построен (пассивный залог).
HAD BUILT – построил/построили давно в прошлом.
Также нужно знать следующие грамматические структуры:
If I see a wolf, I will run away. – Conditional I.
If I saw a wolf, I would run away. – Conditional II.
I wish I had $1,000,000. – I wish + Past Simple.
Если видим существительное, то в ответ пишем его множественное число.
Сложные случаи:
Child – children
Person – people
Woman – women
Policeman – policemen
Mouse – mice
Foot – feet
Tooth – teeth
Box – boxes
Wife – wives
Wolf – wolves
Leaf – leaves
Life – lives
Century – centuries
Если видим местоимение, то в ответ пишем его форму.
This – these
That – those
Если видим прилагательное, то в ответ пишем его степень сравнения.
Big – bigger – the biggest (короткие прилагательные)
Beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful (длинные прилагательные)
good | better | the best |
хороший | лучше | самый лучший |
bad | worse | the worst |
плохой | хуже | самый плохой |
many / much | more | the most |
много | больше | наибольший |
old (1) | older | the oldest |
старый | старше | самый старший |
old (2) | elder | the eldest |
старый | старее | самый старый |
far (1) | farther | the farthest |
дальний | более дальний | самый дальний |
far (2) | further | the furthest |
далёкий | дальнейший | самый далёкий |
late (1) | later | the latest |
поздний | более поздний | самый поздний |
late (2) | latter | the last |
поздний | последних из двух | последний |
near (1) | nearer | the nearest |
близкий | ближе | ближайший |
near (2) | nearer | the next |
близкий | ближе | следующий |
Суффикс –ful пишется с одной l. Например, beautiful.
Суффикс наречия (отвечает на вопрос как?) –ly. Например, beautifully.
Possible – impossible
Polite – impolite (невежливый)
Legal – illegal
Understand – misunderstand
Nation – national / international / nationality
Happy – happiness
Visit – visitor
Устная часть:
Вступление монолога: The talk I’m going to reveal is … / I’m going to talk about …
Заключение монолога: To conclude, / To sum it up, …
Как переспросить, если не поняли вопрос в диалоге: Sorry, could you say it in other words? / Sorry, I don’t understand. Could you repeat, please?
Reject – отклонять
Accept – принимать
Suggest – предлагать
Письменная часть:
Выучить шаблон письма наизусть!
Читайте также:
- Тест имя прилагательное. Степени сравнения прилагательных, приставки
- Both вместе с разными частями речи
- Считалка на английском: множественное число существительных — исключения
❤ Поделись статьей с друзьями! И подпишись на email-рассылку и Twitter. ❤
На устное высказывание, которое на таких экзаменах как ОГЭ, ЕГЭ, TOEFL, проводится в компьютеризированной форме, отводится ограниченное время — 2-3 минуты. За это время нужно успеть показать свое знание разнообразной лексики и продвинутых грамматических конструкций. К тому же ваша речь должна быть логичной и звучать естественно. Как это сделать и получить максимальный балл за устную часть экзамена по английскому языку, я постараюсь объяснить в этой статье.
ОГЭ & ЕГЭ. Как получить максимальный балл за устную часть по английскому языку
- Монологическое высказывание по теме
- Условный диалог-расспрос
1. Монологическое высказывание (ОГЭ, задание 3)
Ваше тематическое высказывание должно быть логично и состоять из трех частей: введение в тему, основная часть и заключение.
A. Введение в тему. Well, I would like to give my opinion on ….
B. Основная часть, в которой нужно последовательно раскрыть все пункты плана, используя вводные выражения и слова- связки разных видов и т.п. Вот только некоторые из них.
- To begin with, I would like to say that…
- What I want to talk first is…
- Well, let me start with …
- First, I want to say that…
- Another thing is… (можно использовать в устном сообщении)
И другие полезные слова и выражения (см. пункт 2) ниже.
C. Сделайте вывод, выразив свое отношение к данному вопросу: Personally I think that …
Заключительная фраза: I have come to the end of my talk. / That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.
2. Полезные слова и выражения для устного экзамена по английскому языку
1. Фразы, которые помогут вам собраться с мыслями, если у вас нет готового ответа на вопрос:
На устном экзамене время ограничено — всего 2-3 минуты и долго тянуть его нельзя. Но молчать еще хуже, поэтому вы можете воспользоваться следующими словами и фразами.
- Well,… — Ну,…
- You know,… — Знаете ли, …
- Actually,… — Вообще-то,…
- You see…, — Понимаете ли, …
- In fact,… — Фактически, …
- Let me think. — Дайте подумать.
- Honestly, … — Честно, …
- The thing is … — Дело в том, что…
- It is sort of… — Это вроде…
- It is difficult to say … — Трудно сказать …
- That’s a very difficult/ interesting question. — Это очень трудный/ интересный вопрос.
- I am not quite sure but I believe… — Я не совсем уверен, но полагаю …
- I don’t know much about it but I believe… — Я знаю об этом немного, но полагаю…
- What I mean is …- То, что я имею в виду…
- As far as I know … — Насколько я знаю….
- It goes without saying … — Само собой разумеется…
- To tell the truth,… — Честно говоря…
2. Используйте самые сложные слова, какие только помните.
Если вы забыли слово, не волнуйтесь! Замените это слово другим с близким или более общим значением, например, pork (свинина) — meat (мясо) или используйте определение, например educational programmes (познавательные передачи) — programmes that give people useful knowledge.
3. Грамматические конструкции продвинутого уровня должны обязательно прозвучать в вашем сообщении. Например, вы можете использовать такие важные английские конструкции как: сложное дополнение (1), сложное подлежащее (2), пассивный залог (3), сослагательное наклонение с I wish (4):
- Complex Object: My teachers always wanted me to do my best.
- Complex Subject: The 9th of May is considered to be the greatest Russian Holiday.
- Passive Voice: I was allowed to go out late at night.
- Second Conditional: I wish I had more free time.
Данные выражения могут использоваться во всех видах высказываний по английскому языку, а именно в устной речи при сдаче всех видов экзаменов, начиная от ОГЭ (задание 2 — ответы на вопросы, задание 3 — тематическое монологическое высказывание), включая ЕГЭ (задание 2 — описание фотографии по картинке) и заканчивая TOEFL (устная часть).
Как сдать ОГЭ и ЕГЭ на максимальный балл ?
Здесь вы найдете примерные монологи для всех заданий ОГЭ по английскому языку. Напоминаем, что монологическое высказывание является третьим и заключительным заданием устной части экзамена.
Мы составили монологи в соответствии с открытой базой Федерального института педагогических измерений (Фипи), раскрыв все темы строго по их плану. Обращаем ваше внимание на то, что некоторые темы являются одинаковыми по смыслу, поэтому мы их объединили в одну.
Разумеется, наши монологи – это всего лишь примеры возможных ответов, так что вы можете менять их, как вам вздумается, совершенствуя содержательную и языковую стороны.
Монолог “Keeping fit”
You are going to give a talk about keeping fit. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. Remember to say:
· why a healthy lifestyle is more popular nowadays;
· what you do to keep fit;
· what sports activities are popular with teenagers in your region.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, now I’m going to give a talk about keeping fit and healthy lifestyle.
Healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular nowadays. There is a number of reasons for that but the most important reason is that people live under the press of different problems, such as social, ecological, economic and others. A person should be strong and healthy in order to overcome all difficulties. Healthy lifestyle helps people do that.
As for me, I try to keep fit in different ways. First of all, I do my morning exercises every day. In addition to it, I go to the swimming pool once or sometimes twice a week. Also, I stay away from bad habits, because I’m convinced that cigarettes, alcohol and drugs destroy both body and brain.
Well, as to other teenagers of my region, I should say that they are interested in different sports activities. They often play football and other active games on sports grounds, go to gyms and swimming pools. Besides, more and more young men become interested in martial arts, such as karate, boxing, kickboxing, judo and so on.
In conclusion, I’d like to emphasise the fact that healthy lifestyle is a “must” for modern people.
Монолог “My school”
You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. Remember to say:
· what you like most about your school;
· what weekday you find the most difficult, and why;
· what you would like to change in your school life.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, now I’m going to give a talk about my school.
To begin with, I’d like to say that my shool is one of the biggest schools in my city, where more than one thousand pupils get their education.
I like my school very much, but it is my classmates that I like best of all. We are all good friends and get on well with each other. We spend much time together doing sports, playing active games and so on.
As for weekdays, I find Monday the most difficult one because we have six lessons on this day, including Mathematics and Physics. Frankly speaking, I’m not good at these subjects, and I don’t enjoy these lessons.
In my opinion, much can be changed and improved in my school. For example, PE lessons. I’d like them to be more diverse. As a rule, we play volleyball and basketball at the lessons, or simply run on the stadium. It would be better if we had a chance to work out with weights and play games that are more interesting .
In conclusion, I’d like to emphasise the fact that school education is very important for teenagers and should help them build character and develop mind.
Задание (вариант 2)
You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· what your typical school day is like;
· what your favourite subject is, and why;
· what you like most about your school.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, now I’m going to give a talk about my school.
To begin with, I’d like to say that my shool is one of the biggest schools in my city, where more than one thousand pupils get their education.
As far as my typical school day concerned, I should say it is very busy. It usually starts at 8 o’clock in the morning and comes to an end at 2 or 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Every day we have 6 and sometimes 7 lessons. We also have breaks, but they are not very long.
As I have just mentioned, my typical school day involves a number of lessons. Russian, Literature, and Mathematics are the most frequent ones. As a rule, we do a lot of work at these lessons: learn rules, do exercises and tests, write essays, make reports, and so on.
My favourite subject is English. I have been learning it since the 2nd form and I hope to relate my life to it. Chances are good that I will be an interpreter. If not, I can always go to school and be an English teacher.
I like a lot in my school but it is my classmates that I like most. We are all good friends and get on well with each other. We spend much time together doing sports, playing active games, going to the cinema.
In conclusion, I’d like to emphasise the fact that school education is very important for teenagers and should help them build character and develop mind.
Монолог “The place where I live”
You are going to give a talk about the place where you live. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· what your city, town or village is famous for;
· what your favourite place in your city, town or village is, and why you like it;
· whether you are going to stay in your city, town or village after leaving school or move to another place, and why.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ (на примере г. Кемерово)
Well, I am going to give a talk about my city.
To begin with, I’d like to say that the name of my city is Kemerovo. This is the capital of Kuzbass, the main coal region of Siberia.
In the first place, Kemerovo is famous for its coal producers and chemical industry. Coal mined here is consumed in this country and exported abroad. In addition to coal, different chemicals are produced here. The products of a gigantic plant Azot are in great demand all over the country.
As to me, I like my city very much, because it has lots of beautiful places where you can rest and relax. The embankment of the river Tom is my favourite place in Kemerovo. Here you can sit quietly on the banks and admire wonderful nature. The embankment is also a good place where you can walk alone or with your friends.
Frankly speaking, I haven’t yet decided what to do after leaving school. It depends on many factors. More likely than not, I will stay in my city, because I have all the opportunities to get good education here. I just have no reason of moving to another region. But as the saying is, time will tell.
In conclusion, I’d like to invite everyone to visit Kemerovo and enjoy this city.
Монолог “Foreign languages”
You are going to give a talk about foreign languages. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· why lots of people learn foreign languages nowadays;
· why you have chosen to do the English exam this year;
· what you did to prepare for your English exam.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
To begin with, I’d like to say that more and more people learn foreign languages nowadays. They do it for a number of reasons. In the first place, people want to understand citizens of other countries and to be understood by them. In addition to it, travelling has become easier, and the Russians have a variety of opportunities for going abroad. If you are fluent in a foreign language, you feel more confident.
It goes without saying that English is established as the most important and popular language. As for me, I have been learning English for 5 years. And this year I have chosen to do the English exam. I regard this exam as a chance to test my language skills. I have always wanted to know my real speaking skills and find out my strengths and weaknesses.
I did much work to prepare for my English exam. First of all, I revised grammar. I learned a lot of rules and consolidated them in doing exercises. In addition to it, I read texts of various genres to enlarge my vocabulary. I also listened to a number of radio programmes and podcasts to make my listening better. And I also made efforts to improve my speaking. I used every chance to speak English at the lessons and at home.
In conclusion, I’d like to emphasize the fact that English is in great demand these days, so I recommend everybody to start learning it as soon as possible and commit to it.
Монолог “Pets”
You are going to give a talk about pets. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· why people keep pets;
· what pets are most popular in big cities;
· whether having pets is a big responsibility, and why.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, I am going to give a talk about pets.
To begin with, I’d like to say that nowadays more and more people keep pets in their houses: cats, dogs, parrots, hamsters, guinea pigs, and so on. They do it for a number of reasons. In the first place, people seek to make friends, and pets are a kind of friends they can make fast and easily. Besides, pets give positive emotions, that’s why people like to keep them. If you are under stress, you can just stroke your cat and feel somewhat relieved.
As to the most popular pets in big cities, I should say it depends. If you live in a big city, a cat or a small dog would be the best option. Firstly, they don’t need extensive space to live on. Secondly, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on buying pet food. If you live in the country, you can choose whatever you want. There is always plenty of room and food for any pet here.
Anyway, having pets is a big responsibility. Pets are animate objects, and if you don’t take good care of them, they may fall sick and even die.
In conclusion, I’d like to emphasise the fact that pets play an important part in our life and we should be aware of both pluses and minuses of keeping them.
Монолог “The Internet”
You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· why today’s teenagers use the Internet so much;
· how the Internet makes long-distance communication easier;
· what dangers teenagers can face when they use the Internet.
You have to talk continuously.
Задание (вариант 2)
You are going to give a talk about the Internet. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· why using the Internet is so popular;
· how the Internet can help students in their studies;
· whether the Internet can be dangerous, and why.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
To begin with, I’d like to say that we live in the world of modern technologies. We are surrounded by lots of sophisticated gadgets: smartphones, iPhones, notebooks, netbooks, laptops. They are very useful because they have practically unlimited functionality. But it is the connection to the Internet that makes them useful to the max.
Today the Internet is exceedingly popular and used very much, especially by teenagers. They do it for a number of reasons. Firsty, they create their profiles on different social nets such as vkontakte, odnoklassniki, facebook, instagram and others. Young people like communicating with each other, and the social nets give them this opportunity. Secondly, the Internet is a depot of innumerable information, so teenagers use the internet as a source of answers for various questions. So, the Internet helps students in their studies. Whether they need to make a report or prepare for a test, they launch a browser, type in the request and get lots of pages according to the request.
Besides, the Internet makes long-distance communication easier. There are special programs for communcation of this kind. One of them is Skype, which is sure to be the most popular programm. You can see and hear the person whom you are talking to.
Frankly speaking, the Internet is not as safe as you wish it were. Firstly, the spread of information is uncontrolled on the Internet, so teenagers often run into dangerous pages containing information about selling drugs or committing a suicide. I strongly believe that this information must be banned.
In conlcusion I’d like to say that if you follow the safety rules when using the Internet you are not endangered, and you can use the Internet to your advantage as much as possible.
Монолог “Holidays”
You are going to give a talk about holidays. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· what holidays are most popular in your country;
· what your favourite holiday is and how you celebrate it;
· if you prefer to give presents or to get presents, and why.
You have to talk continuously.
Задание (вариант 2)
You are going to give a talk about public holidays in Russia. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· what public holidays are celebrated in Russia;
· what your favourite public holiday is, and why you like it;
· how your favourite public holiday is celebrated in your city, town or village.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, now I’m going to talk about holidays.
To begin with, holidays play an important part in our life. Holidays give us an opportunity to rest and relax, they also improve our mood and make us happier.
Our country has a number of (public) holidays. The most popular are New Year, the 8th of March (the women’s day), Spring and Labour Day, Victory Day, Russia Day, and others. All these holidays are very important for every citizen of the Russian Federation.
My favorite (public) holiday is New Year because this is a special occasion. It is not only an opportunity to relax but also to think about how you lived the past year and make plans for the next one. In addition to it, New Year is a reunion for the whole family of ours, so we always look forward to it.
My family established its own way of celebrating New Year. In the evening we visit our best friends who live next door and have some time together. Then, at midnight, we come back home and have our celebratory meal. We usually watch TV shows, listen to music, fool around, and, of course, give each other presents.
As for me, I like both giving presents and getting them. Both actions are very enjoying. But honestly speaking, I like getting presents more because now I don’t have enough money for giving them.
Staying at home with your family is not the only way to celebrate New Year. You can visit city celebrations which include fairs, contests, concerts, and fireworks. The culmination of the New Year celebration in our city is setting up fireworks. It is just awesome!
In conclusion, I’d like to emphasise the fact that every holiday is a great time, and I wish there were as many holidays as possible.
Монолог “Travelling”
You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· why most people like travelling;
· which season is the best for travelling in your opinion;
· what means of transport is the best, and why.
You have to talk continuously.
Задание (вариант 2)
You are going to give a talk about travelling. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· why most people enjoy travelling;
· what people like doing while travelling;
· what place you would like to go to, and why.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Nowadays, people have a great variety to rest and relax: going to the cinema, playing sports, and so on. But the most popular option remains travelling.
People like travelling for a number of reasons. Firstly, travelling is a good way to focus away from work and study and, so to say, to recharge batteries. I mean people can replenish their inner supplies of energy and refresh emotions. Secondly, travelling is a good way to broaden the mind and gain knowledge. If you go to a foreign country, you can learn its customs and traditions, see the sights, make friends with local citizens.
While travelling, people like to do different things. It depends upon the place and purpose of your visit. If you travel to a resort town, you usually swim in the sea and bake in the sun. If you travel on business, you’re supposed to establish contacts, carry on talks, making contracts, and so on. If you travel for educational reasons, you attend lessons, go on excursions, gain knowledge and develop your skills.
In my opinion, summer is the best season for travelling. Most adults are on leave in this period and children have holidays, that’s why summer is the optimal time when you can start on a journey.
As to means of transport, each one has its pluses and minuses. If you travel by train, you can admire beautiful landscapes and you feel safe. But it takes more time to get to the destination. Travelling by plane saves time but deprives you the chance to enjoy the nature outside, and what is more, fills you with misgivings about the flight.
As to me, I have already travelled to many places, but my dream is to visit Tokyo. This is the place I would like to go to because it is one of the world leaders in business, culture, science and technology. Besides, I plan to learn Japanese in the future, so, visiting Japan can help me to do that.
In conclusion, I’d like to emphasize the fact that travelling plays an important part in our life and everybody should travel as much as possible.
Монолог “Career plans”
You are going to give a talk about your career plans. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· what job you want to do in the future;
· what two subjects you think are the most important for your future job, and why;
· whether your family approve of your career choice or not.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
All people have to work in order to make a living. It is very important that a person has a job according to his or her abilities and wishes.
As for me, I’d like to be an interpreter in the future. I like foreign languages very much, and, frankly speaking, I’m very good at them. Nowadays, I do my best to learn English and Spanish because they are the languages that are widely spoken and popular with lots of people.
I think that English and Geography are the most important subjects for my future job. They are two subjects that help me learn much about other countries, their customs and traditions. English and Geography also help me understand native people of other countries, respect their culture and communicate with them in the most effective way.
All the members of my family approve my career choice because they strongly believe that interpreting is an exciting and well-paid job. Frankly speaking, my family just want me to be happy and they support any decision of mine.
In conclusion, I’d like to emphasize the fact that every teenager shouldn’t procrastinate in deciding about his or her job because a successful career requires much time and efforts.
Монолог “Books”
You are going to give a talk about books. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· whether reading is still popular with teenagers, and why, or why not;
· what kind of books you like reading;
· why many people prefer e-books to paper books.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, I am going to give a talk about books.
To begin with, I’d like to say that there are a lot of ways to spend free time: doing sports, watching TV, going to the cinema, playing games, and so on. And, of course, you can just read a book.
Frankly speaking, reading books is losing its popularity with teenagers making way for more exciting activities, such as watching blockbusters in 3-D, playing computer games, social networking, arranging parties. If a teenager has to choose between reading a book and playing a brand new computer game, he or she will definitely show preference for the game. Modern games excel books in all aspects. Firstly, modern games make a tremendous visual impact. The game world looks extremely realistic. Secondly, when playing a game, you are not an outsider. You are an active insider participating in everything that happens in the game world.
As for me, I have to confess that I am not only a gamer, but also a regular reader. Yes, I like reading very much! Science fiction is my favourite kind of literature because it gives a different view of our reality. It doesn’t present our world as it is but as it could be. I think that science fiction is much deeper than, say, detective stories. The problems science fiction deals with are more global and serious.
If you take a closer look at reading people, you will notice that they usually read e-books. There is a number of reasons why many people prefer e-books to paper books. The main reason is that you can download unlimited e-books for free from the Internet. In addition to it, e-books are more comfortable to read. There is a variety of devices that can store e-books: computers, tablets, smartphones.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that modern world is full of exciting things like sports, TV, parties and so on. Nevertheless, books shouldn’t be forgotten.
Монолог “School homework”
You are going to give a talk about your school homework. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· how long it takes you to do your homework;
· what subject you usually start with, and why;
· whether schoolchildren should be given more or less homework, and why.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, I am going to give a talk about my school homework.
To begin with, I’d like to say that school homework is an essential part of school education. Almost everyone who goes to school is given hometasks.
As for me, duration of doing my homework depends on many factors. For example, our teachers of Literature and History are in the habit of giving a lot of homework, which involves reading many pages of textbooks, writing synopses, making presentations, and so on. If you are not ready with all this stuff, you get a bad mark. As I don’t want to get bad marks, I have to spend long hours to prepare for the lessons. It may take me 3 or even 4 hours to finish the school homework. But to tell the truth, there are teachers who spare pupils’ time and don’t give much work. They organize their lessons so that there is little left for home.
As to sequence of subjects, I usually start with Literature because this is the most voluminous subject including many works of fiction, critique, philosophy, and the like. I prefer to get rid of the most boring subject in the first place and then start doing something that is more interesting.
I strongly believe that schoolchildren should be given less homework. I don’t understand teachers who give their pupils too much homework and are sure that they do them good. Teachers should know that our brain can effectively process a limited amount of information. The rest of information vanishes into thin air. If you keep trying to remember everything you are given by teachers, you will most likely go crazy.
In conclusion, I’d like to appeal to teachers and make them remember their own school life. Teachers should never forget that they were pupils in the past and, like today’s young people, had difficulties with the homework.
Монолог “TV”
You are going to give a talk about TV. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· whether watching TV is still a popular pastime with teenagers, and why, or why not;
· how many hours a week you watch TV;
· what you dislike most about TV.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, I am going to give a talk about TV.
To begin with, I’d like to say that TV is one of the greatest inventions of all times. It is impossible to imagine days when people lived without TV.
In my opinion, watching TV is losing its popularity with teenagers. The reason is that teenagers prefer the Internet to TV. Not long ago, TV used to be the main source of information and entertainment. It is no longer the case. Now, if you want to know what is happening in the world, you launch a browser, do some clicks and get innumerable quantity of information. If you want to watch something entertaining, you don’t need TV. There are lots of youtube channels providing clips, shows, interviews with celebrities, and the like. You can start watching a video, pause it for any time and then start again. You can’t do the same trick with television.
As for me, I don’t watch TV very often. I usually do it when new episodes of my favourite serials appear. So, I watch TV approximately 3 of 4 hours a week. Sometimes it happens that there are no new episodes of my favourite serials, so I spend no time at all.
There are a lot of things I dislike about TV. But endless blocks of commercials drive me really crazy! It goes without saying that advertising gives money for producing new content, but there should be some limits to advertising.
In conclusion, I’d like to acknowledge great importance of television, but at the same time, I’d like to state the fact that TV gradually abandons its absolute position making way for the Internet.
Монолог “Free time”
You are going to give a talk about your free time. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· whether you have a lot of free time, and why, or why not;
· what you enjoy doing in your free time;
· what your Sunday afternoons are like.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, I am going to give a talk about my free time.
To begin with, I’d like to say that people have to work more and more in the modern world to make a career, earn a living, and become successful. This also holds true for teenagers, because they have to study a lot. So, both adults and teenagers don’t have much free time.
As for me, I don’t have much free time either, because I am faced with a number of important exams this year. As I don’t want to fail them, I make every effort to learn the necessary material. I read a lot of textbooks and additional articles, do innumerable exercises, attend preparation courses, and so on.
In spite of the fact that I have to work a lot, I try to find some time for recreation and fun. Frankly speaking, I enjoy doing many things in my free time. I like to take walks, come to see my friends, watch TV, surf the Internet, and so on. My favourite pastime is going to a swimming pool. I am keen on having a healthy lifestyle, and swimming helps me to keep fit.
As to my Sunday afternoons, I should confess that they are just for doing nothing active. I usually take my tablet, sink into the sofa, and watch videos on youtube or communicate in social nets. Sunday afternoons are the period when I don’t overload myself with activities, because I need to collect my strength for Monday, which is my busiest weekday.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that it is very important to not only have free time but also give it to your hobbies and interests.
Монолог “Weather and seasons”
You are going to give a talk about weather and seasons. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· which of the four seasons you like most, and why;
· how the Earth’s climate has changed recently;
· whether you trust the weather forecast, and why.
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, I am going to give a talk about weather and seasons.
To begin with, I’d like to say that there are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer, and autumn.
As for me, I like summer most of all, because this is the period when we have vacations. And vacations mean freedom. Absolutely! We have no need to get up early and be in a hurry to leave for school. It is not necessary to spend long hours doing school homework. The only thing we have to do in summer is relaxing to the max. In addition to it, the weather is awesome in summer! As a rule, it is warm and sunny.
By the way, the Earth’s climate has changed recently. If you take a closer look at what’s happening in the world, you see natural phenomena that never took place before. Melting arctic ice is one of numerous examples. It gradually fills the ocean with huge amounts of additional water that makes the water level higher and causes ecological disasters. In addition to it, mass media often give information about disastrous hurricanes and severe droughts that occur in unexpected time and place.
As to the weather forecast, I don’t trust it if it is given for the longer period of time. I don’t believe that man can predict what is going to be in a week or fortnight. Nevertheless, I think that the weather forecast for one or two days is most likely to be correct, and you should trust it.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that weather is an interesting subject, which is worth studying and paying attention to.
Монолог “Photography”
You are going to give a talk about photography. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· why people like taking pictures
· why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past
· what the best photo you have ever taken is
You have to talk continuously.
Примерный ответ
Well, I am going to give a talk about photography.
To begin with, I’d like to say that people have always wanted beautiful moments of life to last forever. Photography helps them to make it happen.
People like taking pictures for a number of reasons. As I have just mentioned, people want to save beautiful moments of life forever. For example, while visiting an exotic country, you see lots of things that don’t exist in your own area. You never see a coconut tree in Siberia and heaps of snow somewhere in the south. Why not to take a picture? In addition to it, people take pictures not only for fun but also for fixing details of an occurrence. It is often the case when pictures help to investigate a crime.
It is really a fact that taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past. The main reason is that taking photos has become much easier today. You just take a smartphone, do a click and that’s it. It has also become easier to share photos with friends. You can upload it
on your profile in a social net and let everyone see it.
As for me, I like taking photos very much. Frankly speaking, I have many good photos, but the best one was taken last year in the Altai Mountains. My friends and I effected an ascent of a mountain and took a picture on the very top of it. The picture is just awesome! When I look at it, I admire wonderful nature and remember my friends.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that taking pictures is a never-ending hobby, which will carry away more and more people.