Полезные фразы на английском на уроке

Вы учитель английского языка и хотите с блеском проводить уроки? Говорите больше фраз на английском языке! Ведь считается, что вести уроки английского языка нужно только на английском для полного погружения в атмосферу изучаемого языка. Ниже представлены фразы, так называемые Classroom English, которые Вам непременно понадобятся на уроке. Фразы подразделены на ситуации, виды речевой деятельности и другие полезные выражения для учителя английского языка.
Classroom English или фразы для учителей английского языка
I. Типичные ситуации на уроке английского
- Знакомство с новым классом (Getting Acquainted)
- Про новеньких (About Newcomers)
- Про опоздавших (About Latecomers)
- Про отсутствующих (Marking the Register/ Absentees)
- Про заболевших (Illnesses)
- Фразы в начале урока (Beginning a Lesson)
- Проверка домашнего задания (Checking Homework)
- Введение новой лексики (Introducing New Words)
- Просьбы (Requests)
- При нарушение дисциплины (Bringing the class to order)
- Похвала, критика (Praises, Encouragement, Criticism)
- Фразы в конце урока (At the End of the Lesson)
- Фразы на перемене (During the break)
II. Фразы на английском по видам деятельности
- При переводе (When Translating… )
- При чтении (When Reading… )
- Во время письменной работы (When Writing… )
- Парная работа (Pair Work)
- Групповая работа (Group Work)
- Ролевая игра (Role Play)
- Работа на уроке. Задания (Classroom Activity/Tasks)
- Проверка понимания (Checking Understanding)
- Во время обсуждения (When Discussing…)
- Подведение итогов урока (Summary)
III. Дополнительные полезные слова на уроке английского
- Названия кабинетов в школе (Names of the Classrooms)
- Разное (and some more…)
Ситуации на уроке:
1. Знакомство с новым классом (Getting Acquainted):
- Let me introduce myself. My name is…
- I am your new English teacher.
- Now I’d like you to give me your names.
- Introduce yourself, please.
2. Про новеньких (About Newcomers):
- There are two newcomers in your class.
- Would you like to introduce yourself?
- What was your last school?
- Which textbook did you use?
- I’d like you to give me your names.
- Introduce yourself.
3. Про опоздавших (About Latecomers):
- Where have you been until now?
- What’s your excuse?
- Didn’t your alarm clock go off?
- You have been late twice this week. Give me your record book. I’ll make a note for your parents.
- Don’t be late next time./ Try not to be late next time!
- Have you brought the doctor’s note/ a note from your parents?
4. Про отсутствующих (Marking the Register/ Absentees):
- Now I’ll call the register.
- Is there anyone missing/absent/away today?
- Who is missing/absent /away?
- And where is Maslova? Is she coming?
- Do you have any idea where she is?
- Why isn’t she at school?
- Who is her friend?
- Do you know when she will be back at school?
- Could you take her homework?
5. Про заболевших (Illnesses):
- And what about Masha? Is she still in hospital or has she come home?
- Is she getting better?
- Are you unwell?
- Olya, will you take Lena to the sick room?
- Oh, Dima, so you are back at school.
- You are behind in my subject.
- Are you unwell?
- You’d better go to the sick room.
6. Фразы в начале урока (Beginning a Lesson):
- We are beginning our lesson.
Ученики могут повторить хором: The bell has gone. The lesson has begun.
- The topic of our lesson today is…..
- To begin with, we have to….
- Where did we leave off last time? (остановились)
- First, I’ll give your exercise-books out.
- All right, class, let’s get down to work.
- Take (get) out your books.
- Last time we were talking about…. Today we will be talking about….
- I expect you already know something about….
- Does anybody know….?
- Can anyone explain….?
- Describe briefly….
7. Проверка домашнего задания (Checking Homework):
- What did I give you for homework?
- How did you get on with your homework?
- How long does it take you to do your homework?
- Did you find it difficult?
- Why haven’t you done your homework?
- What did you mean you forgot?
- What did you mean you didn’t know what to do?
- Why didn’t you write it down like everyone else?
- Why didn’t you ask smb in the class what had to do?
- That’s a poor excuse.
- Do that homework and bring it to me the first thing tomorrow.
- You had to read the passage on page 36, is that right?
- Will you begin, Masha?
- Read the sentence again.
- You were supposed to practice the dialogues on page 21 for homework.
- Make up your own dialogue in pairs.
- We won’t correct your h/w orally today. I want to see your exersise book.
- I am going to take your ex-book in at the end of the lesson.
- I’ ll mark them and give them back next time.
8. Введение новой лексики (Introducing New Words):
- I want to make sure that you have understood the meaning of these words.
- Do these words have positive or negative meaning?
- Don’t mix up these two words.
- Which of the words are possible in the sentence?
- Who remembers what is the Russian word for “….”?
9. Просьбы (Requests):
- Rub out this word. Сотри это слово.
- Rub off this part of the blackboard. Сотри эту часть доски.
- Wipe off the table with a clean cloth./ Wipe the water, please.
- Wash the duster.
- Raise the chairs before you go.
- Collect the homework, please.
- Give out the exercise-books.
- Hand over your homework to students at the first desks.
- Put the chalk on the ledge.
- Turn to me, please.
10. Нарушение дисциплины (Bringing the class to order):
- Can we have a little less noise, please?
- Will you go and sit down in your place, Alyosha? Copy it down (from the blackboard).
- You aren’t supposed to be sitting there. Come to the front.
- No more talking.
- Is everybody ready to start?
- Pay attention, will you?
- Listen carefully.
- Face me, will you?
- Don’t look aside. Не отвлекайся.
- Have patience. will you?
- Spit out your chewing gum.
- Don’t roll a pencil.
- Stop dropping remarks.
- Watch your tongue.
- Clean up after yourself.
- How can you account for your behaviour?
11. Похвала, критика (Praises, Encouragement, Criticism):
- Good for you. Well-done./ Good work.
- That’s a lot better. Your English is getting better. You`ve made a lot of progress since….
- I am very pleased with you.
- I’m not very satisfied with your reading.
- You need some more practice in reading.
- It’s no good at all.
- That’s all right. Never mind. Ничего страшного.
- Forget it. Пустяки.
- That’s O.K.
- I have no personal interest in this matter.
- Thank you for reminding me.
- I hope things will improve in the long run.
- You shouldn’t take it close to heart.
- May I give you word of advice?
12. Фразы в конце урока (At the End of the Lesson):
- The bell has gone.
- Thank you for attention.
13. Фразы на перемене (During the break):
- Don’t run about the classroom.
II. Фразы по видам деятельности:
1. При переводе (When Translating… ):
- What’s the meaning of this word?
- It’s a word for word translation. Don’t translate word for word. It means translating words, not sentences.
- When you translate think of the meaning of the whole sentence.
- Who has better translation? What’s the better way of translating this?
- Are there any other suggestions?
- Can anyone help?
- Don’t be afraid. Your version may be right, too.
- Has he guessed right?
- In what other way can we translate this phrase?
- How do you say that in Russian?
- And now the same sentence in English.
- We’ll begin with translation you did for homework.
- Have you all got the same?
- Who translated it differently?
- May we hear your version?
- I think we have practiced enough.
- When we have finished this, I`ll give you your translation back.
- It makes sense.
2. При чтении (When Reading… )
- I think we leave off at page 3/ we read as far as page 4.
- Let’s continue from here.
- Alla, you have to share with Lena.
- You see how we waste time when you don’t bring books to the lesson.
- Make sure you bring your books next time.
- I’m afraid there aren’t enough books for everybody.
- Let’s read the text aloud.
- Listen to me reading this passage.
- Now I’ll read the passage sentence by sentence and I want you to repeat each sentence after me.
- Listen again and say it after me.
- Let’s read the next paragraph together.
- All together!
- Now, I’d like to hear you read aloud.
- Could you go back to the beginning, Lena?
- Tanya, could you go on reading from where I left off?
- Read the dialogue in pairs.
- Let’s take turns reading.
- Will you begin, Olya?
- Will you go on, Oleg?
- I’d like you read round the class.
- There is a mistake in your pronounciation.
- You mispronounced the word “ “.
- The “b” is silent in climb.
- The stress is wrong/ on the second syllable.
- A little louder, please.
- Read it so that everyone in class can hear you without difficulty.
- Read more clearly.
- Speed up a bit/ Slow down a bit.
3. Во время письменной работы (When Writing… ):
- You had better cut out the last sentence. (не включать)
- It’s very unclear beginning.
- Where is the introduction?
- It’s very sudden end.
- What have you done wrong in your composition?
- “I am sorry for not writing to you….” (in the first paragraph)
- “You are asking about…” (in the 2d paragraph)
- “I am excited to hear that ….” (reaction to the news in the 3d paragraph)
4. Парная работа (Pair Work):
- Here are some topics to talk about.
- You work out dialogues for the following situations.
- Now, you work in pairs.
- You аct out the dialogue.
- You make up your own dialogue.
- You use the words given in the box.
- Decide which of you is A and which is B.
- You start a conversation.
- You ask you partner to explain his opinion as exactly as possible.
- You ask you partner to go into as much details as he can.
- You ask your partner to point out the advantages and disadvantages of…
- You persuade your partner to agree that…
- You try to convince your partner that…
- When each pair has finished change over and do it again.
5. Групповая работа (Group Work):
- Now we shall do some group work.
- Divide into two groups.
- Work in threes.
- There are too many in this group.
- Join another group.
- We are going to have a group leader in each groups.
- Group leader is to keep the discussion to the topic.
- Here are some topics for to work on in group.
- Choose a subject you know a lot about.
- Which subject do you want to work on?
- Make sure each member of the group has time to say what he thinks.
- Ask for the vocabulary you need.
- Are you clear about what you have to do?
- Ask me for help with vocabulary if you needed.
- Ask other people in your group to help you if you cannot find the right word.
- Take your time before you start.
6. Ролевая игра (Role Play):
- We are going to practise role play today.
- Divide into the groups of four.
- In each group there are four characters.
- Decide who is A and who will play the parts of B and D.
- Before we start I ‘ll give you a few minutes for preparation.
- I’d like to explain you the situation.
- The action take place in/at…
- Rehearse the situations.
- Listen to your partner and respond to what he says.
- When I clap my hands, that’s a signal to change parts.
- This group was doing particularly well.
7. Работа на уроке. Задания (Classroom Activity/Tasks).
- Let’s do the exercise in writing (in written form).
- Do ex.6 in writing.
- Arrange (put) the sentences in a logical order.
- Do it orally.
- Let’s do the exercise in writing (in written form).
- Don’t shut your textbooks, leave the page 4 open.
- Let’s practice in the present perfect tense.
- Copy it down (from the blackboard).
- Can anyone explain….?
- Tear a sheet of paper in two.
- Do it properly.
- If you need any help, don’t forget to ask.
- Supposing you want to….
- How do you know?
- Somebody needs an extra work.
- You have to do it before I count five.
- Use the words given in the box.
- And read the instructions first,please.
- Right. How will you answer the first question?
- What is your answer?
8. Проверка понимания (Checking Understanding)
- Do you follow me?
- Have you all got that?
- You seem to have understood it very well.
- Got that?
- Did I get you right?
- You didn’t get me.
9. Во время обсуждения (When Discussing…)
- If there are no more questions, let’s go on to discussion.
- Let’s have a discussion on the matter.
- Let’s keep to the subject. Не будем уклоняться от темы.
- What’s your opinion of….?
- Be ready to talk over the following questions.
- Wait a minute before you say something.
- Plan what you are going to say.
- Ask each other questions about.
- Can you add a few details?
- Have you got anything to add to what Mike said?
- Could you explain what you mean?
- It isn’t still clear to me why…
- I didn’t catch the last part.
- Why do you say that?
- How do you know?
- Are you sure of your facts?
- That’s a very good argument.
- That’s an original idea.
- You may be right.
- Well, that’s depends.
- That’s not how I see it.
- I am not so sure about it.
- From what you said I understood that….
- You got me wrong. I only meant to say….
- Don’t you agree Sacha? Give your reasons.
- I don’t quite see what you mean.
- Express your point of view.
- Tell us about your own experience.
10. Подведение итогов (Summary):
- Tell us what your group talked about.
- Tell the class what you have talked about with your partner.
- Each group should tell the class what decision they came to and why.
- What points did you disagree about?
- What are the points everyone agreed on?
- You summarize.
- After some discussion we agreed that….
- Can somebody sum up what has been said?
Дополнительные полезные слова для учителя:
1. Названия кабинетов в школе (Names of the Classrooms)
- Staff room — учительская
- Sick room — медпункт
- Office — канцелярия
- Canteen – буфет
- Dining-hall — столовая в школе
- Recreation — рекреация
- Cloak-room – раздевалка
- Assembly hall — актовый зал
2. Разное (and some more…)
- тряпка – cloth/duster
- диктант (из отдельных слов) — a spelling test
- диктант – dictation
- короткий тест – quiz
- викторина – quizzing game
- директор — head-mistress, headteacher
- догнать группу — to catch up with the group
- проходить по программе — to do smth
- отстать по предмету – be behind in the subject
- контрольная работа по (предмету) — a test in (French)
- контрольная работа (написанная) — a test paper
- взять за правило — make it a rule
- не то упражнение — the wrong exercise
- учебный год — аcademic year
- повысить оценку – to raise a mark
- предпоследний — the last but one lesson
- по очереди – in turn
- перевернуть на стр. 4 — turn to page 4
- обращаться с книгой — to handle the book
- раздать — give out
- вытащить — get out
- работа над ошибками – correction work
Вы учитель или репетитор английского языка? — Читайте:
Список выражений школьного обихода на английском языке с переводом на русский. А именно, те фразы, которые использует учитель на уроке английского языка, чтобы начать занятие, проверить и назначить домашнее задание, поддержать дисциплину, исправить ошибки учеников в ходе урока и пр. Эта страничка вполне может пригодиться начинающим учителям английского или практикантам.
Фразы учителя на уроке английского языка
[ Начало урока ]
- Who is on duty in your class (group) today? – Кто дежурит сегодня в вашем классе (группе)?
- What day is it today? – Какой сегодня день?
- What is the day today? – Какое сегодня число?
- Who is absent today? – Кто сегодня отсутствует?
- Why you are late? – Почему вы опоздали?
- That’s no excuse (That’s a poor excuse). – Это неуважительная причина.
- It is your duty to keep the blackboard clean. – Ваша обязанность следить за тем, чтобы доска была чистой.
- Take the duster and clean the blackboard, please. – Возьмите тряпку и сотрите с доски.
- Will you go and fetch some chalk? – Принесите мел, пожалуйста.
[ Проверка домашнего задания ]
- What was your homework for today? What did I give for homework? – Что вам было задано на дом на сегодня?
- What have you prepared for today? – Что вы приготовили на сегодня?
- Have you all done your homework? Has everybody done the homework? – Все сделали домашнее задание?
- Open your exercise books, please. I want to check that you have all done your homework. – Откройте тетради. Я хочу проверить, все ли сделали домашнее задание.
- Why didn’t you do the homework? – Почему вы не выполнили домашнее задание?
- Put up your hands those who haven’t done their homework. – Кто не сделал домашнее задание, поднимите руки.
- For homework you were to… — Дома вы должны были…
- You should have asked your classmates about the homework. – Надо было спросить домашнее задание у одноклассников.
- I am not satisfied with the way you did your homework today. – Я недоволен тем, как вы выполнили домашнее задание.
- I am glad to see that everyone has done the homework well today. – Рад отметить, что сегодня все хорошо выполнили домашнее задание.
- Hand in your exercise books, please. – Сдайте ваши тетради.
[ Замечания по работе ]
- You make many mistakes when writing, be more careful. – Вы делаете много ошибок при письме, будьте более внимательны.
- You have some (bad, serious, spelling, grammar) mistakes in your last test. – В вашей последней контрольной работе есть несколько (грубых, серьёзных, орфографических, грамматических) ошибок.
- Don’t write so close together. – Делайте промежутки между словами.
- Don’t join your words together. – Не «лепите» слова друг к другу.
- You join your letters wrongly. – Вы неправильно соединяете буквы.
- Keep to the lines. – Не съезжайте со строчек.
- Don’t write in the margin. – Не заезжайте на поля.
- This is a good (very good, bad, very bad) pieced of work. – Это – хорошая (очень хорошая, плохая, очень плохая) работа.
- You have missed out the letter “t” in the word “listen”. – Вы пропустили букву “t” в слове “listen”.
- Cross out the extra letter. – Вычеркните лишнюю букву.
- Rub off that word and write the correct one instead. – Сотрите то слово и напишите его правильно.
- Underline that word. – Подчеркните то слово.
- You must improve your handwriting. – Вы должны исправить свой почерк.
- Leave margins on the left-hand side. – Проведите поля слева.
- Who can name the letters in alphabetical order? – Кто может назвать буквы в алфавитном порядке?
- Don’t all speak at once. – Не говорите все сразу.
- Don’t answer all together. One at a time. – Не отвечайте все хором. По одному.
- The rest keep quiet. – Остальные сидите спокойно.
- Quiet! – Тише!
- Stop making a noise! – Не шумите!
- Stop talking! – Не разговаривайте!
- Put up your hand if you know the answer. – Если знаете, как ответить на вопрос, поднимите руку.
- Say it again. (Repeat it.) – Повторите.
- Go on. (Go on with your story.) – Продолжайте рассказывать.
- Don’t hurry. (There’s no need to hurry.) – Не спешите.
- Start from the very beginning. – Начните с самого начала.
- Tell the story. – Перескажите текст.
- Make up a dialogue based on the given example. – Составьте диалог по данному образцу.
- Act out the dialogue. – Инсценируйте диалог.
- Ask your friend on your left (right) why … — Спросите соседа слева (справа), почему …
- Complete the following story. (Make up an end to my story.) – Придумайте конец рассказа.
- Think of sentences (situations) in which you could use the following words (phrases). – Составьте предложения (ситуации) со следующими словами (фразами).
- Confirm what I am going to say. – Подтвердите мою мысль.
- Tell the story to us in 5-10 sentences. – Перескажите рассказ пятью-десятью предложениями.
- Is the translation of this word (phrase) correct? – Правильно ли переведено это слово (выражение)?
- Who has a different translation? – Кто перевел иначе?
- What have you got? – Как у вас?
- What’s the correct translation (answer)? – Какой перевод (ответ) правильный?
- Have you all got the same? – У всех сделано так?
- Who’s got something different? – У кого иначе?
- What is your version? You have got it wrong. – Ваш вариант? У вас неправильно.
- Is there any other way of saying it? – Можно ли выразить это иначе?
- Today we’ll have the competition for the best reader (to see who is the best reader). – Сегодня у нас будет соревнование на лучшего чтеца.
- Don’t stress the article (every word) when reading. – Не ставьте ударение на артикль (на каждое слово), когда читаете.
- Read louder! – Читайте громче!
- Read it all over again. – Прочитайте это снова.
- Read the text with the correct intonation. – Читайте текст с правильной интонацией.
- Look through this text and find the answers to the following questions. – Просмотрите этот текст и найдите ответы на следующие вопросы.
- Who wants to be the first to speak up? – Кто хочет первым высказаться?
- Now put aside your text-books and look at the blackboard. – Теперь отложите в сторону свои учебники и посмотрите на доску.
- Your intonation isn’t right. Say it again. – У вас неправильная интонация. Повторите.
- Give me a complete sentence. – Дайте полное предложение.
- Say whether this is right or not. – Скажите, правильно ли это.
- Correct your mistakes. Can you see where you’ve made a mistake? – Исправьте свою ошибку. Вы понимаете, где ваша ошибка?
- Now I’ll give you a ten minutes’ dictation. – Сейчас у нас будет десятиминутный диктант.
- Open your notebooks at a clean page. Write the date in the top right-hand corner. – Откройте свои тетради на новой странице. Напишите дату в правом верхнем углу.
- What’s wrong with your pen? – Что случилось с вашей ручкой.
- We’ll study (learn) some new words. – Сегодня мы возьмем новые слова.
- Pay attention to these words. – Обратите внимание на эти слова.
- Listen carefully to what I’m going to say. – Слушайте меня внимательно.
- Ask me questions if you need any more information. – Задавайте мне вопросы, если вам что-нибудь неясно.
- First I’ll read the text myself and you’ll follow me. Than you’ll read all together after me. – Сначала я сама прочту текст, а вы следите за мной по учебникам. Затем вы будуте все вместе читать следом за мной.
- Repeat that after me in unison (all together). – Повторяйте за мной хором (все вместе).
- What don’t you understand? (Is everything clear?) – Все понятно?
- Have you any questions? (Any questions?) – Есть вопросы?
- What does it mean? (What’s the meaning of it? What do you think it means?) – Что это (слово, фраза) значит?
[ Новое домашнее задание ]
- For homework do exercise 3 on page 23. – Домашнее задание: упражнение 3 на странице 23.
- Your homework is to learn the words on page 30. – Дома вам нужно выучить слова на странице 30.
- At home read and translate Lesson 3 (the whole text from beginning to end, the first three paragraphs up to the words…). – Дома прочитайте и переведите Урок 3 (весь текст от начала до конца, три первых абзаца до слов… ).
- Take down the words you don’t know in your vocabulary book. – Выпишите незнакомые слова в словарные тетради.
- Prepare the text on page 33 for reading. – Приготовьте чтение текста на странице 33.
- Ask (make up, think up) 10 questions of various types on the texts. – Придумайте к тексту 10 вопросов разных типов.
- 7. Answer the questions on page 38. – Ответьте на вопросы по тексту на стр. 38.
- 8. Prepare to reproduce the text in your own words. – Приготовьте рассказ текста своими словами.
- 9. Do exercise 2 on page 13 in writing and exercise 3 orally. – Сделайте упражнение 3 на стр. 13 письменно, а упражнение 3 – устно.
- Revise the words and expressions from Lesson 2. – Повторите слова и выражения из урока 2.
- Learn the poem by heart. – Выучите стихотворение наизусть.
- Make up questions about the picture on page 18. – Составьте вопросы по картинке на стр. 18.
- Make up a story on the picture. – Составьте рассказ по картинке.
- Do you all understand what you have to do for homework? – Всем понятно домашнее задание?
- Write down the homework in your record book. – Запишите домашнее задание в дневники.
[Окончание уроки; подведение итогов]
- Here your marks – Вот ваши оценки.
- You haven’t done any preparation for lesson. – Вы сегодня совсем не готовы к уроку.
- Your answers are very good (bad). – Вы отвечали очень хорошо (плохо).
- You should work harder. – Вам следует больше заниматься.
- You’re making progress. (You are doing well.) – Вы делаете успехи.
- That’s right. – Верно. Правильно.
- Good. That’s good. – Хорошо, очень хорошо.
- That was a careless answer. – Это был непродуманный ответ.
- You read well (badly) today. – вы сегодня хорошо (плохо) читали.
- You’ve got 4 (for). – Вам четыре.
- You’ve made a lot of mistakes, so I’ve given you 3 (three). – Вы сделали много ошибок, и я вам поставила 3.
- I am going to give you 2 (two). – Я поставлю вам двойку.
- The lesson is over. – Урок окончен.
Для преподавателей и репетиторов:
Здесь можно бесплатно подать объявление в рубрику Образование
- Опубликовано в рубрике Английский язык
Hello, boys and girls.
Здравствуйте, ребята.
Good-bye, boys and girls
До свидания, ребята.
Stand up, please!
Встань, пожалуйста.
Sit down, please!
Сядь, пожалуйста.
Get ready for the lesson.
Подготовьтесь к уроку.
The lesson is over.
Урок окончен
Listen to me, please.
Послушайте, пожалуйста.
Say after me.
Повторяйте за мной.
Say it again.
Скажите еще раз.
Tell us about …
Расскажите нам о …
Write down your homework.
Запишите домашнее задание.
Who is on duty today?
Кто сегодня дежурный?
Who is away / absent today?
Кто отсутствует?
What’s the matter with him (her)?
Что с ним (ней) случилось?
He (she) is ill.
Он (она) больной.
Go to your place.
Иди на свое место.
Make up a dialogue.
Придумай диалог.
Answer my questions.
Ответь на вопросы.
Count from … to …
Посчитай от … до …
Let’s check your homework.
Давайте проверим ваше домашнее задание.
Look at the picture and say.
Посмотрите на рисунок и скажите.
Say it correctly.
Скажи это правильно
Listen and repeat.
Послушай и повтори.
Describe the …
Опиши …
Any questions?
Есть вопросы?
Open your book, page …
Откройте книгу, страница …
Close your books.
Закройте свои книги.
Name the letter.
Назови букву.
Spell the word.
Скажи слово по буквам.
Pronounce the letter.
Произнеси букву.
Speak louder, please.
Говори громче, пожалуйста.
Make up sentences with …
Придумай предложения с …
Learn the poem (by heart).
Выучи стихотворение.
Correct the mistake.
Исправь ошибку.
Take a piece of chalk.
Возьми кусок мела.
Clean the blackboard
Вытри доску.
Stop talking.
Перестань разговаривать.
Make up words.
Придумай слова
Make up questions.
Придумай вопросы.
Write the letter.
Запиши букву.
That’s right.
That’s wrong.
Name the words beginning with …
Назови слова, начинающиеся с …
Come up to the blackboard.
Подойди к доске.
Take your record-book and put it on my table.
Возьми свой дневник и положи мне на стол.
1. Приветствие
Welcome, everybody!
Welcome to all of you.
I’d like to welcome you all to this course.
Good morning, everybody.
Good afternoon, everybody.
Hello, everyone.
Hello there, (Denis).
How are you?
How are you today, (Anna)?
How are you getting on?
How’s life?
How are things with you, (Katya)?
Are you feeling better today, (Semyon)?
And what about you, Masha? How are you today?
Good morning, Andrey. How are you feeling today?
How are you getting on?
How are things?
How are we all doing this morning?
How’s everyone feeling today?
How’s it going?
That’s nice to hear.
I’m glad/ pleased/ happy/ sorry to hear that.
I hope you all had a good/ enjoyable/ relaxing holiday/ break.
I hope you are all feeling well/ fit.
I hope you’ve had/ you’re having a nice/ good day so far.
2. В начале учебного года
My name is _____. I’m your new English teacher.
I’ll be teaching you English this year.
I’ve got five lessons with you each week.
3. Проверка посещаемости
Class (ladies and gentlemen, students)…
People / folks / guys / you guys …. (AmE). (Informally, and with older learners).
Let’s see if everyone’s here.
I’ll just check who’s here.
I’ll have to take/ check attendance. / I am taking attendance. (AmE)
I’ll mark/ take/ check the register.
I’m going to call your names/ the roll.
Raise your hand and say “Here”/ “Present”.
Who’s absent?
Who’s not here today?
Who isn’t here?
Who’s missing/ away/ not here today?
Are you all here today?
Is the whole class here today?
Any absences?
Is anybody absent/ away/ missing?
Anybody whose name I haven’t called?
Did I miss anybody (out)?
Who is absent today?.
Who isn’t here today?
What’s the matter with (Anna) today?
What’s wrong with (Denis) today?
Why were you absent last Friday, (Masha)?
Where’s Masha this morning/ today?
What’s wrong / the matter with Masha?
Has anybody seen Masha today?
Does anybody know where Masha is?
Masha’s away. Does anybody know why?
Is she absent or just late?
When will Masha be back?
Who wasn’t here last time?
Was anybody away/ absent/ missing last time?
Who was absent last time?
Who missed last Monday’s lesson?
Why weren’t you here last time?
Make sure you bring an absence note.
What was the matter?
What was the problem?
Have you been ill?
Everybody’s here.
Nice to see you all here.
Nobody’s away today.
I’m glad you could all make it.
So everybody is here except (for) (Lena) and (Dima).
So only two people away today.
Put your hand up if you are not here. )))
Alexey is away. Does anybody know why? He may have missed the bus. What do you think?
(Tanya), are you all right/ OK/ feeling better now?
I hope you feeling better.
Are you feeling better, Katya?
I hope you’ve recovered from your cold, Masha.
What happened to your leg?
Ask your friends to tell you what we’ve been doing.
Could someone explain to Boris what we have been working on?
You missed two lessons.
I hope you can catch up.
Stay behind/ See me after the lesson.
If you yourself have been ill or away, you may ask:
How did you get on/ manage with Galina Ivanovna?
What did you do with Galina Ivanovna?
How far did you get with this unit?
4. Начало занятия
Let’s begin our lesson now.
So we can begin today’s lesson.
Is everybody ready to start?
I hope you are all ready for your English lesson.
I think we can start now.
Now we can get down to work.
5. Оргмомент
I’ll be handing back your last papers tomorrow.
Okay, class, so I’ve marked your papers, here they are.
Оценка работы учащихся
Похвала: высшая степень одобрения
Fantastic job!
Great stuff!
You’re doing great!
Keep it up!
Very fine.
Hooray for you!
That’s better than ever!
Super work!
Exceptional perfomance.
You made my day.
That’s very good.
Well done!
Good job!
Way to go!
Very good!
Great you are!
That’s exactly the point.
That’s just what I was looking for.
Сдержанная оценка ответа
Quite right.
That’s right.
That’s it.
That’s correct.
That’s quite right.
Yes, you’ve got it.
You’ve got the idea.
A good guess.
I like that!
Good for you!
That’s nice.
That’s perfectly correct.
Yes, you’ve got it.
That’s just what I was looking for.
You really figured it out!
That’s much better now!
You are improving.
Doing great.
You’ve made a lot of progress.
You didn’t make a single mistake.
I have marked your essay. I have also made some corrections
You did a great job.
It (all) depends.
It might be, I suppose.
In a way, perhaps.
Sort of , yes.
That’s more like it.
That’s much better.
That’s a lot better.
You’ve improved a lot.
That’s the way.
That’s correct.
Jolly good (only in England).
You made a very good job of that.
Оценка неточных или неправильных ответов
Not really.
Unfortunately not.
I’m afraid that’s not quite right.
You can’t say that, I’m afraid.
You can’t use that word here.
Good try, but not quite right.
Not quite right. Try again.
Not exactly.
You were almost right.
That’s almost it.
You’re halfway there.
You’ve almost got it.
You’re on the right lines.
Выражение поддержки
There’s no need to rush.
There’s no hurry.
We have plenty of time.
Go on.
Have a try.
Have a go.
Have a guess.
There’s nothing wrong with your answer.
What you said was perfectly all right.
You didn’t make a single mistake.
Don’t worry about your pronunciation.
Don’t worry about your spelling.
Don’t worry, it’ll improve.
Maybe this will help you.
Do you want a clue (hint)?
You have good pronunciation.
Your pronunciation is very good.
You are communicating well.
You speak very fluently.
You have made a lot of progress.
You still have some trouble with pronuncation.
You need more practice with these words.
You’ll have to spend some time practising this.
You’re getting better at it all the time.
You’ve improved no end.
You’ve got the idea.
That’s (much/a lot) better.
You are improving.
You have made a lot of progress.
Not quite right, try it again.
You’ve almost got it.
You’re half way there.
Have a guess if you don’t know.
Not to worry, it’ll improve.
What if I give you a clue?
I’ll help you if you get stuck.
That wasn’t very good.
That was rather disappointing.
You can do better than that.
Во время занятия
Are you ready?
Who wants to go first?
We’ll learn how to …
Open your books at page …
Turn to page …
We are at page (23) to do exercise (6).
Look at acitivity five.
Read the directions to exercise (3).
Listen to this tape.
Say after me.
(Denis), will you repeat it?
One more time, please.
Say it again, please.
Again, please.
Everybody …
You have five minutes to do this.
Who’s next?
Like this, not like that.
First …
After that…
Are you ready?
Are you with me?
Are you OK?
OK so far?
Do you get it?
Do you understand?
Do you follow me?
What did you say?
I don’t understand.
I don’t get it.
Like this?
Is this OK?
Come to the front of the class.
Make groups of four.
Move your desks into groups of four people.
Turn your desks around.
Make a horseshoe shape with your desks.
Make a circle with your desks.
Make a line of desks facing each other.
Sit back to back.
Work together with your friend
Find a partner
Work in pairs/threes/fours/fives.
Work in groups of two/three/four.
I want you to form groups.
Form groups of three.
Here are some tasks for you to work on in groups of four.
There are too many in this group.
Can you join the other group?
Only three people in each group.
I asked for four people to a group.
Everybody work individually.
Work by yourselves.
Work independently.
Ask your neighbor for help.
Work on the task together.
Ask other people in the group
Ask others in the class.
Interview someone else.
Ask everyone in the class.
Stand up and find another partner.
Have you finished?
Do the next activity.
Move on to the next activity.
Giving instructions.
Open your books at page 52.
Come out and write it on the board.
Listen to the tape, please.
Get into groups of four.
Finish off this song at home.
Everybody, please.
All together now.
The whole class, please.
I want you all to join in.
Could you try the next one?
I would like you to write this down.
Would you mind switching the lights on?
It might be an idea to leave this till next time.
Who would like to read?
Which topic will your group report on?
Do you want to answer question 3? Sequencing
First of all, today, …
Right. Now we will go on to the next exercise.
Pass around these handouts, please.
Two students share one sheet.
Pass these to the back.
Could you share with your partner?
Is there anybody who hasn’t got a copy?
Take one and pass them on.
Pass out the exercises.
Have you lost yours?
Take out your books.
Have you finished?
For the last thing today, let’s …
Whose turn is it to read?
Which question are you on?
Next one, please.
Who has not gone yet?
Who has not {presented/recited/read} their {monologue/homework} yet?
Let me explain what I want you to do next.
The idea of this exercise is for you to …
You have ten minutes to do this.
Your time is up.
Finish this by twenty to eleven.
Can you all see the board?
Have you found the place?
Are you all ready?
Look this way.
Leave that alone now.
Be careful.
Yes, that’s right.
Try again.
What about this word?
What’s the Russian for “background”?
Explain it in your own words.
It’s spelt with a capital “J”.
Can anybody correct this sentence?
Fill in the missing words.
Mark the right alternative.
While we’re on the subject, …
As I said earlier, …
Let me sum up.
Is there anything you don’t/ didn’t understand?
Is/ was everything clear?
Anything not clear (to you)?
Let’s see if you’ve understood.
I’ll just check how well you’ve understood.
Let me ask you some questions about/ on this passage.
Can you briefly summerize the main ideas?
Did you get the main/ general idea of the passage?
Did you get the gist of the text?
Let’s see if you remember what happened.
How much do you remember (of the story)?
Read the passage silently.
Prepare the next three paragraphs.
Familiarize yourselves with the text.
Read through the conversation on your own.
Study the chapter by yourself.
Have a look at the next section in your own time.
If there are any words you don’t know, please ask.
Look up any new words in the dictionary.
Try to answer these questions.
While reading, try to answer the questions.
As you read, try to find answers to the following questions.
Try to get the main idea.
Read it through quickly to get the main ideas.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word.
Just try to get the gist.
Jot down some key ideas.
Skim the text (through).
Can anyone guess/ predict/ suggest what will happen next?
Before you read the next section, can you guess how the story will end?
How might the story go on/ continue?
Look it up in the index/ in the grammar section/ the bibliography.
Check it in the appendix/ the footnotes/ an encyclopedia/ a thesaurus.
Look it up on Google/ the Internet.
Why don’t you Google it?
Let’s act out this dialogue.
Now we can act this conversation (out).
Let’s dramatize this story/ dialogue.
How would you act this scene out?
Come out to the front and show everybody else.
Come out and mime (your favourite sport).
Who wants to be the (reporter)?
Any volunteers to be/ to play/ for the (interviewee)?
Who wants to play/ read the part of (Julia)?
You are to be/ will be (Watson).
You can read this part/ the narrator.
Who will swap with/ take over from (Semyon)?
You have five minutes to practise.
Let’s rehearse.
Practise with the lines first.
Let’s go over some words/ phrases that might be useful.
You can use the book (this time).
Try to learn your lines by heart.
This will be our dress rehearsal/ practice run.
Give yourselves a clap.
A round of applause for everyone.
A big hand for the actors and actresses.
Some applause for the stars of the show.
That was a great performance!
Check now.
Fix the answers.
Everybody, read together.
Each student reads 2 sentences.
Copy this.
Take notes.
Make a sentence.
Write the English sentence.
Read the question and answer in English.
Choose an answer and fill in the blanks.
Draw a line and match.
Circle the answer.
Underline this word/sentence.
Count the points.
Please say it again.
Please give us an example.
Please speak more slowly/faster.
Please speak louder/softly.
Please speak in English.
Please help the other students.
Please go downstairs and make a copy.
Please share the book.
Let’s review.
Do up to page (20).
Look at the sentence model and make a sentence.
Preview this.
Memorize this.
Finish this.
Try to come up with another word.
Step aside, please, so that the class can see what you have written. Move to one side, please, so that we can all see.
Go and fetch some chalk from the office. I’ve run out of chalk. Would you please go and see if there’s any next door. Would you go and look for some chalk for me, please.
Work in twos / in threes / in groups of two, three / together with your partner / in pairs. Get into groups of three. Find a partner. Here is a task (an exercise) for you to work on in groups / pairs / threes.
That will do, thank you. That’s enough for now. All right, you can stop now. You will have to stop / finish in a minute. Your time is up now, I am afraid.
В конце урока
Time to stop.
It’s almost time to stop.
It’s time to finish.
Let’s stop now.
I’m afraid it’s time to finish now.
We’ll have to stop here.
There’s the bell. It’s time to stop.
That’s all for today. You can go now.
There are still two minutes to go.
We still have a couple of minutes left.
The lesson doesn’t finish till five past.
Your watch must be fast.
Not time to stop.
We seem to have finished early.
We have an extra five minutes.
Wait a minute.
Hang on a moment.
Just hold on a moment.
Stay where you are for a moment.
Just a moment, please.
One more thing before you go.
Back to your places.
Next time.
We’ll do the rest of this chapter next time.
We’ll finish this exercise next lesson.
We’ve run out of time, so we’ll continue next lesson.
Take a worksheet as you leave.
Goodbye, everyone.
See you again next Wednesday.
See you tomorrow afternoon.
See you in room 7 after the break.
Have a good holiday.
Have a nice weekend. Class dismissed.
Enjoy your vacation..
Try not to make any noise as you leave.
Be quiet as you leave. Other classes are still working.
Let’s call it a day.
Have you finsihed?
Stop now.
Let’s check the answers.
Any questions?
Collect your work please.
Pack up your books.
Are your desks tidy?
Don’t forget to bring your … tomorrow.
It’s almost time to stop.
I’m afraid it’s time to finish now.
We’ll have to stop here.
All right! That’s all for today, thank you.
That will do for today. You can go now.
See you again on Tuesday.
See you again tomorrow afternoon.
Have a good holiday(Christmas)(Easter).
Enjoy your holiday.
Don’t work too hard!
I hope you all have a nice vacation.
Cheerio now.
Have a nice weekend.
Thanks for your help.
Thank you and have a great day!
Pay attention, everybody.
Waiting to start.
I’m waiting for you to be quiet.
Are you with me?
We won’t start until everyone is quiet.
Stop talking and be quiet.
Settle down now so we can start.
Put your things away.
Close your books.
Put your books away.
Pack your things away.
Please stop talking now.
Stop talking.
Listen to what … is saying.
No more talking for a bit. That is nice and quiet. You others…sh…sh…
Calm down now, OK. That’s better.
Quiet please! Settle down and listen! That’s good. Thank you.
Many times have you been told that socializing is not done in my class.
OK, we need to be quieter to hear what everyone is saying.
Could I have your attention, please.
Not so much noise, please. Silence, please.
Get on with your work quietly.
Don’t keep turning around.
It isn’t time to finish yet.
There are still two minutes to go.
We still have a couple of minutes left.
It seems we have two or three minutes more.
The lesson isn’t supposed to finish until three.
Домашняя работа
This is your homework for tonight (today/next time).
For your homework would you do exercise 8 on page 43.
Prepare as far as (down to/up to) page 205
Finish this off at home.
Do the rest of the exercise as your homework for tonight.
You will have to read the last paragraph at home.
We’ll continue this chapter next Monday.
Do exercise 10 on page 23 for your homework.
Prepare the next chapter for Monday.
There is no homework tonight.
Remember your homework.