Classroom English или фразы учителя на уроке английского языкаВы учитель английского языка и хотите с блеском проводить уроки? Говорите больше фраз на английском языке! Ведь считается, что вести уроки английского языка нужно только на английском для полного погружения в атмосферу изучаемого языка. Ниже представлены фразы, так называемые Classroom English, которые Вам непременно понадобятся на уроке. Фразы подразделены на ситуации, виды речевой деятельности и другие полезные выражения для учителя английского языка.

Classroom English или фразы для учителей английского языка

I. Типичные ситуации на уроке английского

  1. Знакомство с новым классом (Getting Acquainted)
  2. Про новеньких (About Newcomers)
  3. Про опоздавших (About Latecomers)
  4. Про отсутствующих (Marking the Register/ Absentees)
  5. Про заболевших (Illnesses)
  6. Фразы в начале урока (Beginning a Lesson)
  7. Проверка домашнего задания (Checking Homework)
  8. Введение новой лексики (Introducing New Words)
  9. Просьбы (Requests)
  10. При нарушение дисциплины (Bringing the class to order)
  11. Похвала, критика (Praises, Encouragement, Criticism)
  12. Фразы в конце урока (At the End of the Lesson)
  13. Фразы на перемене (During the break)

II. Фразы на английском по видам деятельности

  1. При переводе (When Translating… )
  2. При чтении (When Reading… )
  3. Во время письменной работы (When Writing… )
  4. Парная работа (Pair Work)
  5. Групповая работа (Group Work)
  6. Ролевая игра (Role Play)
  7. Работа на уроке. Задания (Classroom Activity/Tasks)
  8. Проверка понимания (Checking Understanding)
  9. Во время обсуждения (When Discussing…)
  10. Подведение итогов урока (Summary)

III. Дополнительные полезные слова на уроке английского

  • Названия кабинетов в школе (Names of the Classrooms)
  • Разное (and some more…)

Ситуации на уроке:

1. Знакомство с новым классом (Getting Acquainted):

  1. Let me introduce myself. My name is…
  2. I am your new English teacher.
  3. Now I’d like you to give me your names.
  4. Introduce yourself, please.

2. Про новеньких (About Newcomers):

  1. There are two newcomers in your class.
  2. Would you like to introduce yourself?
  3. What was your last school?
  4. Which textbook did you use?
  5. I’d like you to give me your names.
  6. Introduce yourself.

3. Про опоздавших (About Latecomers):

  1. Where have you been until now?
  2. What’s your excuse?
  3. Didn’t your alarm clock go off?
  4. You have been late twice this week. Give me your record book. I’ll make a note for your parents.
  5. Don’t be late next time./ Try not to be late next time!
  6. Have you brought the doctor’s note/ a note from your parents?

4. Про отсутствующих (Marking the Register/ Absentees):

  1. Now I’ll call the register.
  2. Is there anyone missing/absent/away today?
  3. Who is missing/absent /away?
  4. And where is Maslova? Is she coming?
  5. Do you have any idea where she is?
  6. Why isn’t she at school?
  7. Who is her friend?
  8. Do you know when she will be back at school?
  9. Could you take her homework?

5. Про заболевших (Illnesses):

  1. And what about Masha? Is she still in hospital or has she come home?
  2. Is she getting better?
  3. Are you unwell?
  4. Olya, will you take Lena to the sick room?
  5. Oh, Dima, so you are back at school.
  6. You are behind in my subject.
  7. Are you unwell?
  8. You’d better go to the sick room.

6. Фразы в начале урока (Beginning a Lesson):

  1. We are beginning our lesson.

Ученики могут повторить хором: The bell has gone. The lesson has begun.

  1. The topic of our lesson today is…..
  2. To begin with, we have to….
  3. Where did we leave off last time? (остановились)
  4. First, I’ll give your exercise-books out.
  5. All right, class, let’s get down to work.
  6. Take (get) out your books.
  7. Last time we were talking about…. Today we will be talking about….
  8. I expect you already know something about….
  9. Does anybody know….?
  10. Can anyone explain….?
  11. Describe briefly….

7. Проверка домашнего задания (Checking Homework):

  1. What did I give you for homework?
  2. How did you get on with your homework?
  3. How long does it take you to do your homework?
  4. Did you find it difficult?
  5. Why haven’t you done your homework?
  6. What did you mean you forgot?
  7. What did you mean you didn’t know what to do?
  8. Why didn’t you write it down like everyone else?
  9. Why didn’t you ask smb in the class what had to do?
  10. That’s a poor excuse.
  11. Do that homework and bring it to me the first thing tomorrow.
  12. You had to read the passage on page 36, is that right?
  13. Will you begin, Masha?
  14. Read the sentence again.
  15. You were supposed to practice the dialogues on page 21 for homework.
  16. Make up your own dialogue in pairs.
  17. We won’t correct your h/w orally today. I want to see your exersise book.
  18. I am going to take your ex-book in at the end of the lesson.
  19. I’ ll mark them and give them back next time.

8. Введение новой лексики (Introducing New Words):

  1. I want to make sure that you have understood the meaning of these words.
  2. Do these words have positive or negative meaning?
  3. Don’t mix up these two words.
  4. Which of the words are possible in the sentence?
  5. Who remembers what is the Russian word for “….”?

9. Просьбы (Requests):

  1. Rub out this word. Сотри это слово.
  2. Rub off this part of the blackboard. Сотри эту часть доски.
  3. Wipe off the table with a clean cloth./ Wipe the water, please.
  4. Wash the duster.
  5. Raise the chairs before you go.
  6. Collect the homework, please.
  7. Give out the exercise-books.
  8. Hand over your homework to students at the first desks.
  9. Put the chalk on the ledge.
  10. Turn to me, please.

10. Нарушение дисциплины (Bringing the class to order):

  1. Can we have a little less noise, please?
  2. Will you go and sit down in your place, Alyosha? Copy it down (from the blackboard).
  3. You aren’t supposed to be sitting there. Come to the front.
  4. No more talking.
  5. Is everybody ready to start?
  6. Pay attention, will you?
  7. Listen carefully.
  8. Face me, will you?
  9. Don’t look aside. Не отвлекайся.
  10. Have patience. will you?
  11. Spit out your chewing gum.
  12. Don’t roll a pencil.
  13. Stop dropping remarks.
  14. Watch your tongue.
  15. Clean up after yourself.
  16. How can you account for your behaviour?

11. Похвала, критика (Praises, Encouragement, Criticism):

  1. Good for you. Well-done./ Good work.
  2. That’s a lot better. Your English is getting better. You`ve made a lot of progress since….
  3. I am very pleased with you.
  4. I’m not very satisfied with your reading.
  5. You need some more practice in reading.
  6. It’s no good at all.
  7. That’s all right. Never mind. Ничего страшного.
  8. Forget it. Пустяки.
  9. That’s O.K.
  10. I have no personal interest in this matter.
  11. Thank you for reminding me.
  12. I hope things will improve in the long run.
  13. You shouldn’t take it close to heart.
  14. May I give you word of advice?

12. Фразы в конце урока (At the End of the Lesson):

  1. The bell has gone.
  2. Thank you for attention.

13. Фразы на перемене (During the break):

  1. Don’t run about the classroom.

II. Фразы по видам деятельности:

1. При переводе (When Translating… ):

  1. What’s the meaning of this word?
  2. It’s a word for word translation. Don’t translate word for word. It means translating words, not sentences.
  3. When you translate think of the meaning of the whole sentence.
  4. Who has better translation? What’s the better way of translating this?
  5. Are there any other suggestions?
  6. Can anyone help?
  7. Don’t be afraid. Your version may be right, too.
  8. Has he guessed right?
  9. In what other way can we translate this phrase?
  10. How do you say that in Russian?
  11. And now the same sentence in English.
  12. We’ll begin with translation you did for homework.
  13. Have you all got the same?
  14. Who translated it differently?
  15. May we hear your version?
  16. I think we have practiced enough.
  17. When we have finished this, I`ll give you your translation back.
  18. It makes sense.
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2. При чтении (When Reading… )

  1. I think we leave off at page 3/ we read as far as page 4.
  2. Let’s continue from here.
  3. Alla, you have to share with Lena.
  4. You see how we waste time when you don’t bring books to the lesson.
  5. Make sure you bring your books next time.
  6. I’m afraid there aren’t enough books for everybody.
  7. Let’s read the text aloud.
  8. Listen to me reading this passage.
  9. Now I’ll read the passage sentence by sentence and I want you to repeat each sentence after me.
  10. Listen again and say it after me.
  11. Let’s read the next paragraph together.
  12. All together!
  13. Now, I’d like to hear you read aloud.
  14. Could you go back to the beginning, Lena?
  15. Tanya, could you go on reading from where I left off?
  16. Read the dialogue in pairs.
  17. Let’s take turns reading.
  18. Will you begin, Olya?
  19. Will you go on, Oleg?
  20. I’d like you read round the class.
  21. There is a mistake in your pronounciation.
  22. You mispronounced the word “ “.
  23. The “b” is silent in climb.
  24. The stress is wrong/ on the second syllable.
  25. A little louder, please.
  26. Read it so that everyone in class can hear you without difficulty.
  27. Read more clearly.
  28. Speed up a bit/ Slow down a bit.

3. Во время письменной работы (When Writing… ):

  1. You had better cut out the last sentence. (не включать)
  2. It’s very unclear beginning.
  3. Where is the introduction?
  4. It’s very sudden end.
  5. What have you done wrong in your composition?
  6. “I am sorry for not writing to you….” (in the first paragraph)
  7. “You are asking about…” (in the 2d paragraph)
  8. “I am excited to hear that ….” (reaction to the news in the 3d paragraph)

4. Парная работа (Pair Work):

  1. Here are some topics to talk about.
  2. You work out dialogues for the following situations.
  3. Now, you work in pairs.
  4. You аct out the dialogue.
  5. You make up your own dialogue.
  6. You use the words given in the box.
  7. Decide which of you is A and which is B.
  8. You start a conversation.
  9. You ask you partner to explain his opinion as exactly as possible.
  10. You ask you partner to go into as much details as he can.
  11. You ask your partner to point out the advantages and disadvantages of…
  12. You persuade your partner to agree that…
  13. You try to convince your partner that…
  14. When each pair has finished change over and do it again.

5. Групповая работа (Group Work):

  1. Now we shall do some group work.
  2. Divide into two groups.
  3. Work in threes.
  4. There are too many in this group.
  5. Join another group.
  6. We are going to have a group leader in each groups.
  7. Group leader is to keep the discussion to the topic.
  8. Here are some topics for to work on in group.
  9. Choose a subject you know a lot about.
  10. Which subject do you want to work on?
  11. Make sure each member of the group has time to say what he thinks.
  12. Ask for the vocabulary you need.
  13. Are you clear about what you have to do?
  14. Ask me for help with vocabulary if you needed.
  15. Ask other people in your group to help you if you cannot find the right word.
  16. Take your time before you start.

6. Ролевая игра (Role Play):

  1. We are going to practise role play today.
  2. Divide into the groups of four.
  3. In each group there are four characters.
  4. Decide who is A and who will play the parts of B and D.
  5. Before we start I ‘ll give you a few minutes for preparation.
  6. I’d like to explain you the situation.
  7. The action take place in/at…
  8. Rehearse the situations.
  9. Listen to your partner and respond to what he says.
  10. When I clap my hands, that’s a signal to change parts.
  11. This group was doing particularly well.

7. Работа на уроке. Задания (Classroom Activity/Tasks).

  1.  Let’s do the exercise in writing (in written form).
  2. Do ex.6 in writing.
  3. Arrange (put) the sentences in a logical order.
  4. Do it orally.
  5. Let’s do the exercise in writing (in written form).
  6. Don’t shut your textbooks, leave the page 4 open.
  7. Let’s practice in the present perfect tense.
  8. Copy it down (from the blackboard).
  9. Can anyone explain….?
  10. Tear a sheet of paper in two.
  11. Do it properly.
  12. If you need any help, don’t forget to ask.
  13. Supposing you want to….
  14. How do you know?
  15. Somebody needs an extra work.
  16. You have to do it before I count five.
  17. Use the words given in the box.
  18. And read the instructions first,please.
  19. Right. How will you answer the first question?
  20. What is your answer?

8. Проверка понимания (Checking Understanding)

  1. Do you follow me?
  2. Have you all got that?
  3. You seem to have understood it very well.
  4. Got that?
  5. Did I get you right?
  6. You didn’t get me.

9. Во время обсуждения (When Discussing…)

  1. If there are no more questions, let’s go on to discussion.
  2. Let’s have a discussion on the matter.
  3. Let’s keep to the subject. Не будем уклоняться от темы.
  4. What’s your opinion of….?
  5. Be ready to talk over the following questions.
  6. Wait a minute before you say something.
  7. Plan what you are going to say.
  8. Ask each other questions about.
  9. Can you add a few details?
  10. Have you got anything to add to what Mike said?
  11. Could you explain what you mean?
  12. It isn’t still clear to me why…
  13. I didn’t catch the last part.
  14. Why do you say that?
  15. How do you know?
  16. Are you sure of your facts?
  17. That’s a very good argument.
  18. That’s an original idea.
  19. You may be right.
  20. Well, that’s depends.
  21. That’s not how I see it.
  22. I am not so sure about it.
  23. From what you said I understood that….
  24. You got me wrong. I only meant to say….
  25. Don’t you agree Sacha? Give your reasons.
  26. I don’t quite see what you mean.
  27. Express your point of view.
  28. Tell us about your own experience.

10. Подведение итогов (Summary):

  1. Tell us what your group talked about.
  2. Tell the class what you have talked about with your partner.
  3. Each group should tell the class what decision they came to and why.
  4. What points did you disagree about?
  5. What are the points everyone agreed on?
  6. You summarize.
  7. After some discussion we agreed that….
  8. Can somebody sum up what has been said?

Дополнительные полезные слова для учителя:

1. Названия кабинетов в школе (Names of the Classrooms)

  • Staff room — учительская
  • Sick room — медпункт
  • Office — канцелярия
  • Canteen – буфет
  • Dining-hall — столовая в школе
  • Recreation — рекреация
  • Cloak-room – раздевалка
  • Assembly hall — актовый зал

2. Разное (and some more…)

  • тряпка – cloth/duster
  • диктант (из отдельных слов) — a spelling test
  • диктант – dictation
  • короткий тест – quiz
  • викторина – quizzing game
  • директор — head-mistress, headteacher
  • догнать группу — to catch up with the group
  • проходить по программе — to do smth
  • отстать по предмету – be behind in the subject
  • контрольная работа по (предмету) — a test in (French)
  • контрольная работа (написанная) — a test paper
  • взять за правило — make it a rule
  • не то упражнение — the wrong exercise
  • учебный год — аcademic year
  • повысить оценку – to raise a mark
  • предпоследний — the last but one lesson
  • по очереди – in turn
  • перевернуть на стр. 4 — turn to page 4
  • обращаться с книгой — to handle the book
  • раздать — give out
  • вытащить — get out
  • работа над ошибками – correction work
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